• Resolved beunoit


    Hi !
    Great plugin wich is doing exactly what I need.
    The only pb I have is : when I select a listing display (not a slider), the bxSlider script and sltylesheet are still inserted in the page. It make my page less optimised…
    I can make a patch, but I think it could be natively implemented, don’t you ?

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  • Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood



    You can make changes and send it to me, i will check and update the files in next version. Would that work?


    Thread Starter beunoit


    For my need, I just put this on line 125 and remove the two files from index.php :

    $html = "";
            if($this->list_type =='slider') {
                    plugins_url('js/jquery.bxslider.js', __FILE__),
                    array( 'jquery' ),
                wp_enqueue_style( 'rfw-slider-style',  plugins_url('css/jquery.bxslider.css', (__FILE__)), array(), date('Ymhi'));
                $html.= "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">jQuery(document).ready(function($){	
    						$('#".$args['widget_id']." .rfw_dock.rfw_slider').bxSlider({
    							  auto: true,
    							  adaptiveHeight: true,
    							  pager: true,
    							  controls: false,
    							  infiniteLoop: true,
    							  speed: $speed,
    							  mode: 'horizontal',
    							  pause: 10000,
    							  ticker: false,
    							  pagerType: 'full',
    							  randomStart: true,
    							  hideControlOnEnd: true,
    							  easing: 'linear',
    							  captions: false,
    							  video: true,
    							  responsive: true,
    							  useCSS: true,
    							  preloadImages: 'visible',
    							  touchEnabled: true
    $html.= '<aside id="'.$args['widget_id'].'" class="rfw-class '.$rfw_style.'">';

    Maybe you can do it better ! ??

    Plugin Author Fahad Mahmood


    I have just updated the version and improved as you said. Have a look here please.


    Thread Starter beunoit


    Great ! Thank you ! ??

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