• Resolved karenstl


    Using a couple of other threads, I figured out how to add some code to my header.php file (since I don’t know how to work with child themes) to add a banner to my header. Then I added CSS so the banner doesn’t show on mobile or tablets.

    But the banner is left justified under the logo, and I want it right justified with a little padding from the right edge and in line with the logo.

    What CSS do I need to fix that? Or do I need to move where I placed the code in the header.php file (or change the code there)?


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  • I have been trying to put a banner 728*90 banner in header alongside the blog name (www.hamakdunyasi.com). The banner appears there but above the blog name. I am using Digest theme. I have “style.css” and “editor-style.css”. I put the following code in both files but did not work.

    .ads-header-desktop {
    display: block;
    float: right;
    margin-right: 20px;
    margin-top: -115px;

    Do you have any other suggestions? Thank you.


    Go to ‘Appearance’ to insert the code in ‘Edit CSS’.

    If doesn’t work propperly go to respective ‘Digest Theme’ forum: https://www.ads-software.com/support/theme/digest


    You must active JetPack to get the ‘Edit CSS’ active or use a Custom.css plugin.

    Hi fellows,

    The ads code has to be placed in the Header.php just below:

    <body <?php body_class(); ?>> and remember to give the instructions to Custom.css as follows:

    .ads-header-desktop {
    display: block;
    float: right;
    margin-right: 20px;
    margin-top: 98px;


    I look upon your site and your ads works well on desktop, I want to put the same banner ad size beside me header blog name. im confused what file in theme editor did you inserted that codes.

    hope you can assist me on this. Thanks!


    Just read the instructions above.

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