• Resolved Kir 2012


    Hi I’m trying to allow a user to select other users on the site to display on their page. I found a piece of code written in a plugin which seems to be mainly working but just not quite perfectly. Can you see anything glaring out as an issue in this code?

    This code sets up an extra tab called ‘field relationships’ in the UM settings. You can add a field in the profile form (either dropdown or multi select), and put the word ‘relationship’ in the first row of the options.
    Then you take the meta key from that field and specify in the field relationships tab in UM settings which relationship you want to display from a choice of 3; you can either display users from a certain role using the user’s UM slug , or a certain taxonomy of post or certain post ids. Once you have chosen and added the info in the relationship field, the field you set up appears as an option in ‘edit profile’ with a search box or dropdown (whichever you chose) for the user to select what they want to display

    I’m trying to display users of a certain role, i’ve checked and double checked it’s set up right, and it does work to pull up the users I want, exactly as it should …..but frustratingly just not ALL users of that role appear as choices in that search form, only two of them!!

    Users on my site can have multiple roles but I’ve checked that my other users that don’t display share the right user role as the primary role and they definitely do – I’ve already checked that there’s nothing in the profile forms limiting visibility of a certain role etc, there isn’t. The code offers the chance to select the user option as your type but not select a specific role, and this gives the user the chance to pick from -any- of the users without it being role specific. This option works fine, if that helps, and all users appear, but that isn’t what I need.

    I noticed logging into the database that the users showing up seem to have the role listed under wp_capabilities in the user meta where those that don’t don’t seem to have that, but instead have my-custom-db-name_capabilities.

    A couple of other things; during testing I had switched on and then off the option to store the data in it’s own col. Also, I’ve changed the sign up process, a user now registers a membership from a plugin called paidmemberships pro https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/paid-memberships-pro/ which also attaches roles to their user via a plugin, including the UM role in question. Could this be an issue? I was using S2 Member https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/s2member/.

    Now when I check the roles in admin, all seems to work exactly as it should, and the rest of the UM outcomes related to these roles work too, for example the correct profile forms display, the correct redirects happen for the role type etc, the only problem is that not all users with the role show up as options in this search form in the ‘edit profile’ screen after activating this code.

    Thanks in advance, I just can’t work out what I’m missing!

    if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) {
    define( 'PP_FIELDS_REQUIRES', '1.3.28' );
    class PP_Fields {
    	public $notice_messge = '';
    	public $plugin_inactive = false;
    	function __construct() {
    		$this->plugin_inactive = false;
    		add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'plugin_check' ), 10 );
    		add_action( 'admin_notices', array( $this, 'add_notice' ), 20 );
    		add_filter( 'um_settings_structure', array( $this, 'add_field_relationships_tab' ), 200, 60 );
    		add_action( 'init', array( $this, 'init' ), 100 );
    	function plugin_check() {
    		if ( ! class_exists( 'UM' ) ) {
    			$this->notice_messge   = __( 'The <strong>UM Relational Fields</strong> extension requires the Ultimate Member plugin to be activated to work properly. You can download it <a href="https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ultimate-member">here</a>', 'pp-contact' );
    			$this->plugin_inactive = true;
    		} else if ( ! version_compare( ultimatemember_version, PP_FIELDS_REQUIRES, '>=' ) ) {
    			$this->notice_messge   = __( 'The <strong>UM Relational Fields</strong> extension requires a <a href="https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/ultimate-member">newer version</a> of Ultimate Member to work properly.', 'pp-contact' );
    			$this->plugin_inactive = true;
    	function add_notice() {
    		if ( ! is_admin() || empty( $this->notice_messge ) ) {
    		echo '<div class="error"><p>' . $this->notice_messge . '</p></div>';
    	function add_field_relationships_tab( $sections ) {
    		<h2>Enter a relationship in the following format</h2>
    		<p>This is the meta key of the field generated in the UM Form Builder.<br>
    			<strong>Important:</strong> The field type should be either <code>dropdown</code> or
    			<code>multiselect</code>, and "relationship" should be added in the first line of the options field of the
    			Form Builder.</p>
    		<p>This is type of item you are relating to - either <code>user</code>, <code>tax</code> or <code>post</code>.
    		<p>If your <code>type</code> is <code>user</code>, this value is the user role slug that will filter the options
    			in the select area. Multiple user roles should be defined as a comma-seperated list eg.
    			<code>admin,member</code>. Leave empty to add all user roles.<br>
    			If your <code>type</code> is <code>tax</code>, this value is the taxonomy slug that will filter the options
    			in the select area. A single taxonomy slug must be entered.<br>
    			If your <code>type</code> is <code>post</code>, this value is the comma seperated list of post types slugs
    			that filter the options in the select area.</p>
    		<p>Set this value to <code>true</code> if you want to hyperlink the users or posts in display mode on the
    			profile, or <code>false</code> to disable hyperlinks. If your type is <code>user</code>, you can also use
    			<code>avatar</code> here to display an avatar.</p>
    		<p>Shoot us an email: <strong>[email protected]</strong></p>
    		$desc = ob_get_contents();
    		$fields = array(
    				'id'       => 'field_relationships',
    				'type'     => 'multi_text',
    				'default'  => array(),
    				'add_text' => __( 'Add New Relationship', 'ultimatemember' ),
    				'label'    => 'Field Relationships',
    				'id'       => 'field_instructions',
    				'type'     => 'custom',
    				'add_text' => __( 'Field Instructions', 'ultimatemember' ),
    				'label'    => 'Field Instructions',
    				'description'=> $desc,
    		$sections['sections'] = array(
    			'icon'       => 'um-faicon-exchange',
    			'title'      => __( 'Field Relationships', 'pp-fields' ),
    			'fields'     => $fields,
    			'subsection' => false,
    		return $sections;
    	function init() {
    		if ( $this->plugin_inactive ) {
    		global $ultimatemember;
    		$relationships = um_get_option( 'field_relationships' );
    		if ( empty( $relationships ) ) {
    		foreach ( $relationships as $relationship ) {
    			$args = array_map( 'trim', explode( "|", trim( $relationship ) ) );
    			$key  = isset( $args[0] ) ? $args[0] : '';
    			$type = isset( $args[1] ) ? $args[1] : '';
    			$slug = isset( $args[2] ) ? $args[2] : '';
    			$link = isset( $args[3] ) ? $args[3] : '';
    			if ( ! empty( $key ) ) {
    				add_action( 'um_before_form', function ( $args ) use ( $type, $key, $slug, $link ) {
    					$this->profile_form( $type, $key, $slug, $link );
    				}, 10, 1 );
    				$this->search_form( $type, $key, $slug, $link );
    				$this->filtered_value( $type, $key, $slug, $link );
    	function items( $type, $slug ) {
    		$items = array();
    		if ( $type == 'user' ) {
    			$args = array();
    			if ( ! empty( $slug ) ) {
    				$roles = explode( ",", $slug );
    				$args['meta_key']     = 'role';
    				$args['meta_value']   = $roles;
    				$args['meta_compare'] = 'IN';
    			$items = get_users( $args );
    		if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    			$items = get_terms( array( $slug ), array( 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
    		if ( $type == 'post' ) {
    			$post_types = array();
    			if ( empty( $slug ) ) {
    				$post_types[] = 'post';
    			} else {
    				$post_types = explode( ",", $slug );
    			$items = get_posts( array( "post_type" => $post_types, 'posts_per_page' => 999 ) );
    		return $items;
    	function options( $items, $type ) {
    		$options = array();
    		if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    			foreach ( $items as $item ) {
    				$options[ $item->term_id ] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-tax-option-field', $item->name, $item );
    		if ( $type == 'user' ) {
    			foreach ( $items as $item ) {
    				$options[ $item->ID ] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-user-option-field', $item->display_name, $item );
    		if ( $type == 'post' ) {
    			foreach ( $items as $item ) {
    				$options[ $item->ID ] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-post-option-field', $item->post_title, $item );
    		asort( $options );
    		return $options;
    	function search_form( $type, $key, $slug, $link ) {
    		add_filter( "um_search_field_{$key}", function ( $attrs ) use ( $type, $key, $slug ) {
    			$items   = $this->items( $type, $slug );
    			$options = $this->options( $items, $type );
    			$attrs['options'] = $options;
    			$attrs['custom']  = true;
    			return $attrs;
    		}, 100, 1 );
    	function profile_form( $type, $key, $slug, $link ) {
    		$profile_id = um_profile_id();
    		add_filter( "um_{$key}_form_edit_field", function ( $output, $mode ) use ( $type, $key, $slug, $profile_id ) {
    			$ids     = get_user_meta( $profile_id, $key, true );
    			$replace = '<option value=""></option>';
    			$items   = $this->items( $type, $slug );
    			$options = $this->options( $items, $type );
    			foreach ( $options as $k => $v ) {
    				$selected = '';
    				if ( is_array( $ids ) ) {
    					if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    						if ( in_array( $k, $ids ) ) {
    							$selected = 'selected';
    					} elseif ( in_array( $k, $ids ) ) {
    						$selected = 'selected';
    				} else {
    					if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    						if ( $k == $ids ) {
    							$selected = 'selected';
    					} elseif ( $k == $ids ) {
    						$selected = 'selected';
    				$replace .= '<option value="' . $k . '" ' . $selected . '>' . $v . '</option>';
    			$output = preg_replace( '%<option .*</option>%', $replace, $output );
    			return $output;
    		}, 10, 2 );
    		add_filter( "um_{$key}_form_show_field", function ( $output, $mode ) use ( $type, $key, $slug, $link, $profile_id ) {
    			$ids = get_user_meta( $profile_id, $key, true );
    			if ( ! is_array( $ids ) ) {
    				$ids = array( $ids );
    			$replace = '<div class="um-field-value">';
    			$items   = array();
    			if ( $type == 'user' ) {
    				$items = get_users( array( 'include' => $ids ) );
    			if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    				$items = get_terms( array( $slug ), array( 'include' => $ids, 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
    			if ( $type == 'post' ) {
    				$post_types = explode( ",", $slug );
    				$items      = get_posts( array(
    					'include'        => $ids,
    					'post_type'      => $post_types,
    					'posts_per_page' => 999
    				) );
    			$replace = '<div class="um-field-value">';
    			$names = array();
    			foreach ( $items as $item ) {
    				if ( $type == 'user' ) {
    					um_fetch_user( $item->ID );
    					$result = $item->display_name;
    					if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    						$result = '<a href="' . um_user_profile_url() . '">' . $item->display_name . '</a>';
    					} elseif ( $link == 'avatar' ) {
    						$result = '<a style="display:inline-block" href="' . um_user_profile_url() . '" class="um-tip-s" title="' . um_user( 'display_name' ) . '">' . get_avatar( $item->ID, 140 ) . '</a>';
    					$names[] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-user-display-field', $result, $item );
    				if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    					$result = $item->name;
    					if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    						$result = '<a href="' . get_term_link( $item ) . '">' . $item->name . '</a>';
    					$names[] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-tax-value-field', $result, $item );
    				if ( $type == 'post' ) {
    					$result = $item->post_title;
    					if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    						$result = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $item ) . '">' . $item->post_title . '</a>';
    					$names[] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-post-value-field', $result, $item );
    			// return to profile user data
    			um_fetch_user( $profile_id );
    			if ( $link == "avatar" ) {
    				$replace .= implode( " ", $names );
    			} else {
    				$replace .= implode( ", ", $names );
    			$replace .= '</div>';
    			$find = '%<div class="um-field-value">([0-9,\s]+)*</div>%';
    			$output = preg_replace( $find, $replace, $output );
    			return $output;
    		}, 10, 2 );
    	 * Show relation on Profile Card in Members Directory
    	 * @param $type
    	 * @param $key
    	 * @param $slug
    	 * @param $link
    	function filtered_value( $type, $key, $slug, $link ) {
    		add_filter( "um_profile_field_filter_hook__{$key}", function ( $value, $data ) use ( $type, $key, $slug, $link ) {
    			$profile_id = um_user( 'ID' );
    			$ids = get_user_meta( $profile_id, $key, true );
    			if ( ! is_array( $ids ) ) {
    				$ids = array( $ids );
    			$items = array();
    			if ( $type == 'user' ) {
    				$items = get_users( array( 'include' => $ids ) );
    			if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    				$items = get_terms( array( $slug ), array( 'include' => $ids, 'hide_empty' => 0 ) );
    			if ( $type == 'post' ) {
    				$post_types = explode( ",", $slug );
    				$items      = get_posts( array(
    					'include'        => $ids,
    					'post_type'      => $post_types,
    					'posts_per_page' => 999
    				) );
    			$modified_value = '<div class="um-field-value">';
    			$names = array();
    			foreach ( $items as $item ) {
    				if ( $type == 'user' ) {
    					um_fetch_user( $item->ID );
    					$result = $item->display_name;
    					if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    						$result = '<a href="' . um_user_profile_url() . '">' . $item->display_name . '</a>';
    					} elseif ( $link == 'avatar' ) {
    						$result = '<a style="display:inline-block" href="' . um_user_profile_url() . '" class="um-tip-s" title="' . um_user( 'display_name' ) . '">' . get_avatar( $item->ID, 140 ) . '</a>';
    					$names[] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-user-display-field', $result, $item );
    				if ( $type == 'tax' ) {
    					$result = $item->name;
    					if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    						$result = '<a href="' . get_term_link( $item ) . '">' . $item->name . '</a>';
    					$names[] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-tax-value-field', $result, $item );
    				if ( $type == 'post' ) {
    					$result = $item->post_title;
    					if ( $link == 'true' ) {
    						$result = '<a href="' . get_permalink( $item ) . '">' . $item->post_title . '</a>';
    					$names[] = apply_filters( 'pp-fields-post-value-field', $result, $item );
    			// return to profile user data
    			um_fetch_user( $profile_id );
    			if ( $link == "avatar" ) {
    				$modified_value .= implode( " ", $names );
    			} else {
    				$modified_value .= implode( ", ", $names );
    			$modified_value .= '</div>';
    			return $modified_value;
    		}, 10, 2 );
    new PP_Fields();
Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • Plugin Support andrewshu


    Hello @kir-2012

    Unfortunately, our support does not include customization and code review by other developers.


    Thread Starter Kir 2012


    I suppose I asked because it’s specifically for UM and based on your plugin and your code – and so since it’s such a short snippet wondered if you would notice anything at glance. Not to worry, I solved it

Viewing 2 replies - 1 through 2 (of 2 total)
  • The topic ‘Code to select and display users of certain role or post types on a page’ is closed to new replies.