• Hi
    I was having a look at my site today, on internet explorer. And to my horror it was not displaying properly. I looked at the forums and found advice to check the code validation. Again, shock, horror, there were 117 errors.
    I am now down to 57 and my site is displaying in IE, so I am not going to worry about it too much right now.
    However, some of the errors seem to be from code that is generated by WP.
    For example

    Line 281, Column > 80: XML Parsing Error: EntityRef: expecting ‘;’
    ….co.uk/troyblog/?p=194″ title=”Troy Davis speaks from death row”><img src=”ht…

    If I am correct Troy Davis speaks from death row should be contained in ‘ ‘ and not ” “
    This however is the title of the post, and therefore the code was not generated by me, so I do not know how to fix it!

    Can anyone advise please.
    My site is at https://ss-designs.co.uk/troyblog

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