I got some help on my themes forum (Weaver Xtreme).
They said I have to go to comments.php of the theme and replace
echo ‘<div id=”comments”>’;
echo ‘<div id=”comments”>’;
echo ‘<div id=”commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic”>’;
echo “</div><!– #comments –>\n”;
echo “</div></div><!– #comments –>\n”;
I also added the code provided here
<span id=”commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic”>
if ( comments_open() ) :
comments_popup_link(‘Leave a comment ↓’, ‘1 comment ↓’, ‘% comments ↓’);
<span id=”swap-commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic” style=”display: none;”>Collapse ↑</span>
<?php edit_post_link(‘Edit →’, ‘| ‘, ” ); ?></p>
<div class=”content_collapse_wrapper”><div id=”target-commentCollapse” class=”collapseomatic_content force_content_collapse”>
<?php comments_template( ”, true ); ?>
Nice ! Now the comments section is hidden. But I can’t display it at all. There is no button to make it appear.
Do you have any idea to help me please? ??
The test website I’m testing thjis on is here