• How do I change the color of the post? I already found a way to change the title’s post, but what about the post where all of your stuff goes?

    Here’s that part of my loop:

    code<h2><?php the_title(); ?></h2>
    <p class=”dates”><?php the_time(‘F j, Y \o\n\ g:i a’); ?> | In <?php the_category(‘, ‘) ?> | <?php comments_popup_link(‘No Comments’, ‘1 Comment’, ‘% Comments’);

    <p class=”main”><?php the_content(“Continue…”); ?> code
    I got the title and the line under it colored, but I can’t seem to get the main post colored. How do I do this?

    Edit: And the closing paragraph tag is there (after the things about comments), it’s just I don’t know how to use the code tags in this forum software.

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  • See where it says class="main" well, you can style that, but then it will only style each paragraph and not the whole post. I don’t know what Theme you are using, but around where the the_content tag is, including the paragraphs, add a DIV like this:

    <div class="entry">

    Then style the entry class in your style sheet and your posts will be styled overall, outside of the title and comment links.

    You want to include those, then put the DIV above there to encompass them.

    See https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Site_Architecture_1.5 for more specifics on the structure of most Themes.

    Thread Starter mystical


    Ah, that seems to work… thanks!

    And another question: How do I color the stuff in the calendar? Like the month, the weekdays, and the numbers without links?

    We generally have a policy of one question per topic. Just to let you know.

    In your style.css style sheet, look for the styles for the calendar. You will be adding colors to the table that creates the calendar.

    To find styles in your WordPress site to help you in the future, see:


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