• Resolved IsmaHaro


    I want to change the colors of the circles in the Skills (About us Section)
    I have been searching but I dont know how.

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  • cc2


    Hi, also looking to change the SKILLS area circle colors, (About Us Section).

    I 1st downloaded a zip file of the theme to my computer, I searched for the file: zerif.js tucked in these folders:

    wp-content > themes > zerif -lite > js (Thank you IsmaHaro)

    In the zerif.js file under:

    /* ================================

    === KNOB ====

    ================================= */

    …I ONLY changed the four lines of

    to the # colors I need, (using TextEdit, not the plugin as recommended by Alexandra)
    & left ALL the rest of the code untouched on this dup file.

    I already had created a child theme, (but with only the style.css) so next I uploaded the NEW zerif.js file, with the NEW colors to the zerif-lite-child folder via Cyber Duck & also …NOTHING!? Still NO change in colors to those rings?! :'(

    (I also will add the big_title.php to the child theme, need to add a RESPONSIVE/mobile friendly video on the top section too.)

    Ugh, I’ve been pulling my hair out trying to change these 4 rings of color, what am I doing wrong? Do I need to cut & paste a line of code that says please, PLEASE follow these child theme files??? Do I need to change something in the CSS as well?

    Sigh! Also a (none coding, no programing knowledge) newbie… Thank you for your help!




    If fixed it using a plugin. Create a new folder in your plugins folder and add the following PHP code in the main plugin file:

    Plugin Name: Skill knob colors
    Description: This plugin loads the script that
    Version:     0.1
    Author:      Sjors Hijgenaar
    function add_scripts(){
        wp_enqueue_script('skill-circle-script', plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . 'js/skill-circles.js', array('jquery'));

    In a sub directory called “js” create a file called “skill-circles.js” with the following code:

            'width': 64,
            'inputColor':' #FFFFFF ',
            'bgColor':' #222222 ',
            'fgColor':' #e96656 '
            'width': 64,
            'inputColor':' #FFFFFF ',
            'bgColor':' #222222 ',
            'fgColor':' #ffd923 '
            'max': 100,
            'width': 64,
            'readOnly': true,
            'inputColor':' #FFFFFF ',
            'bgColor':' #222222 ',
            'fgColor':' #e96656 '
            'max': 100,
            'width': 64,
            'readOnly': true,
            'inputColor':' #FFFFFF ',
            'bgColor':' #222222 ',
            'fgColor':' #ffd923 '

    Here you can change the fgColor properties to anything you want and it should change on your website, whilst retaining updateability



    Thank you for your reply & help, SjorsHijgenaar.

    Sorry, first let me reiterate I’ve NO programing knowledge, but I can cut & paste ??

    That said the thought of MYSELF ‘Creating a Plugin’ was a bit daunting.

    So for anyone else out there, basically here’s what I did.

    ON my computer:
    ? I created a folder called: “Skill knob colors”

    IN this folder:
    ? I created a TextEdit (on a Mac) file called: “skill-knob-colors.php”
    ? I Cut & Paste SjorsHijgenaar’s top section of code (I believe this is HIS plugin creation, though being new even to WordPress I’m not absolutely sure of that, but I think it is.)

    NEXT in this folder I created another folder called: “js” (for java script I expect)

    IN this folder:
    ? I created a TextEdit file called: “skill-circles.js”
    ? I again Cut & Paste SjorsHijgenaar’s second section of code but changed the colors to what I selected for fgColor

    Then I up loaded the folder called “Skill knob colors”, to the plugin folder on my site’s folders in the cPanel via CyberDuck (FTP software)

    Next I went to Dashboard on the Admin of the site > to Plugins > to the brand NEW plugin in the list “Skill knob colors”, I activated the NEW plugin & at first I did get this message:

    “No such file exists! Double check the name and try again.”

    But I hit refresh & THIS FINALLY WORKED! Whew! Thank you very much SjorsHijgenaar!

    Hope this may help anyone else looking to do this color change too.




    Thanks SjorsHijgenaar for your help. I really appreciate it. You are a life saver!!
    Thanks cc2 for this question and descriptive last comment.

    you guys made my day!!!

    please how can i make the skill section horizontal please

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