as far as i can tell it is running
screen shot of plugins page.
if the plugin was not activated the first link would not render in columns. both pages contain the exact content. only the first link the “page” renders correctly, the second link, the “post” does not apply the columns.
—– page content—–
[column width=”695px” padding=”15px”]
<img src=”×2001.jpg” alt=”Statioin Design” width=”300″ height=”200″ class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-469″ />
<p>The Substation and Relaying Division of Booth and Associates, Inc. has been actively involved in the design, procurement and construction administration, as well as the testing and energization of station facilities since 1960. We have performed this work for municipal electric systems, rural electric cooperatives and investor-owned utilities.</p>
<p>Our designs include industrial service substations, distribution substations, generation substations, and transmission step-down and switching stations. We assess each project to determine the requirements, and then dedicate the necessary resources and expertise to meet project goals.</p>
<p>Our capabilities span all aspects of design and installation assistance, including structural, electrical, civil, relay and control systems, through full procurement and contract administration. Our staff also provides 24-hour-a-day, seven-day-a-week emergency service restoration assistance.</p>
[column width=”230px”]
For more information please contact John Q. Employee @ [email protected] or Call: (919) 851-8770
[listmenu menu=Station]