Hello @a95web,
We did not introduce any changes in how our optimization works which should cause such a problem after the update. Therefore, this is unlikely to be caused by the latest update itself, and as we can’t see the actual website, we can provide you with general recommendations to work on.
One reason might be another level of cache for your website or an old cache present on it. You can clear your website’s cache through the admin page( Our cache is stored in these folders: wp-content/cache/sgo-cache and wp-content/uploads/siteground-optimiser-assets) and see if this will resolve the problem. If you are using any other cache/optimisation plugin or a CDN, clear its cache as well.
If this does not help, you can also trace the script causing this and exclude it from the CSS minification. You can exclude a script from the CSS minification using the script handle.
You can find more information on how to do this and to find the script handler in the forum post below: