• Hi there

    Ace plugin btw !

    I am trying to build a listing search that allows a user to perform a location search and see listings within a radius of a location – like this does


    But also use a Post category filter to narrow down the results further

    So, a location/proximity search combined with a taxonomy filter

    Is this possible with the WP Geo plugin and either native WP tax filter or some other plugin like FacetWP ?

    thanks a lot


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  • Plugin Author Ben Huson


    Hi Joe,

    WP Geo doesn’t do that out of the box.

    A quick look at FactWP’s proximity search makes it look like it should be possible with a bit of customisation if you can write some code, although I’ve not tried this.

    FacetWP expects:

    The Data Source should be a custom field containing a comma-separated latitude, longitude.

    WP Geo stores the longitude and latitude as separate custom fields _wp_geo_latitude and _wp_geo_longitude so it won’t work as is.

    However, with a bit of custom code you could update a separate custom meta value with comma separate lat/lng whenever the WP Geo custom meta values are updated – see the updated_{$meta_type}_meta hook https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Plugin_API/Action_Reference/updated_(meta_type)_meta

    (you would also need to write something to update any existing WP Geo post meta)

    That may then work.

    If you have the FacetWP plugin you could probably test this by adding a custom field to your posts (in the WordPress admin) with comma separate values and see if this works. If it does then look into writing the code to save the WP Gwo meta in the right format.

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