• Katie_Aggelakou


    Hello everyone.

    Does anyone know if combining/merging orders in Woocomerce is possible?

    What I am trying to achieve is to give my customers the option to add more products in an existing order within a period of time (ex. 3 days)
    If the customer has bought a product and the order has a set status (ex. processing) and then comes back to the site and adds up more products, then the orders will merge and they won’t be charged additional shipping fees.

    Is there a plugin for deferred orders, or something similar?

    Thank you in advance


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  • Hi I alos need to merge/combine more orders from the same user. For my setup, I have users that imported, and they always login before buying. The offen created multiple orders, and then I ship it. But everytime I have to make several Packing slpps. Is there a plugin that combine orders, so I just have to make 1 packing slip for each custoomer instead?

    Aas it is now, I have print out each packing slips for each roder, but to the same customer. All orders from the same custemer is sent bulked.

    Hope to har from you outthere!

    Best regards,

    I would love this feature too!

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