The simple way to show the issue:
– Start with a virgin wp installation.
– Install plugins and ProfileGrid, both in their default configuration.
– Go to the home page.
– Inspect the page source e.g. by CTRL+U in firefox
– Locate the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="" id="wppa-js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" id="wppa-js-after">
/* <![CDATA[ */
const { __ } = wp.i18n;
wppaSiteUrl = "",
wppaThumbPageSize = 100,
wppaResizeEndDelay = 200,
wppaScrollEndDelay = 500,
_wppaTextDelay = 800,
wppaEasingSlide = "swing",
wppaEasingLightbox = "easeOutCubic",
wppaEasingPopup = "easeOutElastic",
wppaUploadButtonText = "Browse...",
wppaOvlBigBrowse = false,
– Now set …>global settings -> Tools -> Performance -> Combine js and save it
– go back to the home page
– Inspect the page source e.g. by CTRL+U in firefox
– See that the code as shown above is vanished, leading to a bunch of js errors and malfunctioning of the wppa plugin.
Site health output:
Site Health Status
The site health check shows information about your WordPress configuration and items that may need your attention.
2 critical issues
Critical issues are items that may have a high impact on your sites performance or security, and resolving these issues should be prioritized.
Your site is set to display errors to site visitors Security
Page cache is not detected and the server response time is slow Performance
4 recommended improvements
Recommended items are considered beneficial to your site, although not as important to prioritize as a critical issue, they may include improvements to things such as; Performance, user experience, and more.
You should remove inactive plugins Security
Have a default theme available Security
Outdated SQL server Performance
You should use a persistent object cache Performance