• Comics on my edublog site https://blogs.asbindia.org/studio6comics/ were at first not displaying at all, and now some are displaying but in incorrect order.

    Initially, I posted four comics. When visiting the site it would display the latest comic as it should. But when clicking previous or first it would load the same, latest comic. If I tried to go to the earlier pages from the dashboard I would get an “Oops! Page not found” error.

    I did some searching and looked to re-intiate the permalinks settings as has been suggested. But there is no permalink option in my settings menu. So I then went and de-activated and re-activated jetpack and switch the theme from Panel and back to Panel.

    Now when you go to the home of the site the latest comic displays. When you click any of the navigation buttons it goes to the first comic. if you click another navigation button it goes to the second comic. clicking another navigation button sends you back to the first. This seems to happen over and over no matter which navigation you click.

    Please let me know what I can do to resolve this issue and get my comic up and running properly.

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  • Hi there! When I go to your site and see the first comic that loads (why comics?) then hit previous, it loads different ones for me. When I hit previous I get three other ones in this order: 1st, hi, 2.0. When I clicked “latest” I end up back on Why Comics.

    Is it still not working properly on your end? If so, you can describe which comic you expect to see when or provide screenshots (by uploading to CloudUp or something similar and sharing a link) to help show what’s happening. I’ll take a look again if it’s still a problem… just let me know! ??

    I hope this constitutes as a new thread. I’m so confused ?????? ok i have a similar problem to the person above.i have my site set up menu/category specific.instead of “characters ” being posted in/under ” about ” and the comic upload being posted in “comics ” its posting on the home page as all inclusive when my aim is all comics/political cartoons etc should all be viewed in their respective zones/page as opposed to alternating. Not to mention they dissappear when i click on one of my other menu tabs and then go back.

    Also i see them listed as your scroll down on the site-listed correctly, however the main menu (top of the page ) nothing generates when you push any of the tabs. Lastly is there a way to make the images fill up more of the space it in? thanx again.

    Hey don’t worry about it. I deleted my website/host i got frustrated trying to figure it out. Thanks anyway

    Hi @flipdahacker — Looks like you changed themes on theflipsyde.com over the holiday weekend, so maybe you’re no longer needing to work on the Panel theme? ??

    Edited to add: Just refreshed and got to see your last message. Best of luck with your new theme!

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