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  • Hello,
    Site link please.


    Andrew Nevins


    WCLDN 2018 Contributor | Volunteer support

    I am looking right at your comments box and there is no disclaimer. Can you please link me to where it is?


    Add this to your child theme’s functions.php

    add_action ( '__comment','my_comment_disclaimer',50);
    function my_comment_disclaimer() {
      echo  "Disclaimer line";

    Change priority to 5 like this for displaying disclaimer above the comments.

    add_action ( '__comment','my_comment_disclaimer',5);
    function my_comment_disclaimer() {
      echo  "Disclaimer line";

    Hi Menaka,

    and thank you for your solution. I had to do same think as you post your solution above with the action __comment. Your solution is working when there is at least 1 comment posted, otherwise the disclaimer line will not be rendered.

    With the filter ‘comment_form_field_comment’ looks OK:

    //add your disclaimer after the comment textarea
    add_filter( 'comment_form_field_comment', 'insert_after_comment_textarea' );
    function insert_after_comment_textarea( $comment_field ) {
        return $comment_field.'<p class="comment-disclaimer">By posting your answer, you agree to our <a href="">privacy policy</a> </p>';
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