• WP Newbie here ?? I’m not getting email notifications about comments or replies to comments. I wanted to get that working before I import my MT entries. I’m using 1.0.2 and my site is https://www.tinklebelle.com/Blog
    SMTP requires my username and password, and I KNOW I didn’t put that info anywhere (didn’t know where to put it).
    Please tell me it’s something incredibly stupid that I’ve just overlooked?

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  • Please use this doc to find the settings to change, and where to change it.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    OK. require_name_email is set to true, comments_notify is set to true, and comment_moderation is currently set to none.
    Still getting absolutely no email notifications with comments.

    Base settings admin email should have your email address if you post as admin. Else, login in as the user who posts, and go to profile and add you email address in the profile.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Done. Made no difference.
    My mail server is smpt.mywebhost.com, not smtp.tinklebelle.com. Does that make a difference?

    it should be smtp and not smpt.
    Thats fine. You can use the smtp host on the server where the blog is at.

    You don’t have to specify the smtp address anywhere. WP figures it out automatically, I guess.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Sorry, I didn’t realize I’m not allowed to make typos ??
    I’ve made all the changes I know to do, and am still not getting email notification. I guess it’s a good thing I didn’t close down my other blog yet.

    WP sends mails using php mail command. no need for smtp for it.
    just check the options again. have u enabled the comments. is the mail address right at all the places… and u should be good to go.

    Thread Starter Anonymous

    Comments are indeed enabled. The email address is excruciatingly correct.
    I just noticed on my site, that it’s not showing the name/email of the person leaving the comments, even though I set it to require name/email on the options.
    Being attacked by my toddler, will come back to this later.
    Thank you for all your help!

    Comments sure don’t seem to be enabled. There is no link to comments on your index page.

    yeah… no links to comments… :O(

    In Post options, turn on the default_comment_status. There, that should help.

    Well, while I was afk with my son, I got emails – so apparently I just wasn’t patient enough ??
    The default_comment_status IS set to open. I’m not quite sure why I don’t have a comments link on the main page. The only thing I’ve changed is the background color.

    It’s there on the main page. It’s just that one can’t see it. Change the css. I cannot see the title of the posts or the link that leads to the comments, in FireFox.
    The CSS now makes the title of the posts and the comments links the same color as the background. I think it’s the css for the Links (a tags) that does this.

    Thank you, I just made that discovery. I guess I’ll just have to leave working on this thing until the children are asleep.

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