• myisha


    Comment author must have a previously approved comment isn’t working they are being held for moderation..The only way moderation worked is by checking ( An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below) or adding words to the moderation box..Any suggestions I need help LOL
    Other info
    url (https://myisha.net)
    I’m using 1.5(manual install)
    Default Theme comment.php(I haven’t tweak anything)
    Thanks in advance

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  • Lorelle


    Did you check your Options > Discussion settings? Have you turned on or off comment moderation?

    Also, check this https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic.php?id=23507 discussion to see if anything there applies.



    That’s funny, i have the opposite problem.



    I believe I am having the same problem as the original poster: all comments posted to my WP 1.5 blog are skipping the moderation queue despite the fact that I’ve checked the option that the comment author must have a previously approved comment.

    So my options look like this:

    [] An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below)
    X Comment author must fill out name and e-mail
    X Comment author must have a previously approved comment

    The only way I can get comments to be moderated is to check the first box, which I don’t want to do — I want previously approved commenters to be able to post comments.

    What gives?

    Thread Starter myisha


    Lorelle says Did you check your Options > Discussion settings? Have you turned on or off comment moderation?

    Yes i have only after I found that An administrator must approve the comment (regardless of any matches below) working…Any suggestions?

    Moderator James Huff


    Both of you, try running /wp-admin/upgrade.php . It may fix the problem, it may not, but it won’t damage anything. It’s worth a shot.



    barkingmoose, exactly the same for me :-/ I’m suprised how many problems there are in a final release (not that I don’t appreciate this awesome script)!

    Thread Starter myisha



    macmanx I tired what you suggested and still no go ??

    I had the same problem, but i see my wp_options tables has no entry for “comment_whitelist” so somehow the install didn’t create it.

    actually the problem seems to be in the code:
    if you don’t have any moderation keywords set every comment gets approved in check_comment function:

    $mod_keys = trim( get_settings(‘moderation_keys’) );
    if (” == $mod_keys )
    return true; // If moderation keys are empty

    so add a moderation key…

    so add a moderation key…

    For all of you great programmers out there…have mercy on us ignoramuses. Tell how to do the things you already know how to do. Speaking in shorthand is great if you know the lingo. But I don’t.

    Could someone spell out for me what a moderation key is & how I add it?

    Also, this same issue is the subject of this thread: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/25803

    I looked up moderation key in the codex & Apilgrim, if I understand him/her is saying to add a keyword to the banned word list under “comment moderation” if you have none listed. If that’s what he’s saying, then this is no fix for me. I have many words in that list & first time comments are still getting through.

    Or did I misunderstand something?

    The assumption I made is that comments were moderated for all comments…. AS IS IMPLIED in wordpress!
    But this is not the case…. moderation applies only to non-logged-in users only! Its rubbish I know.

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