• I’ve changed my previous hacks into plugins for use with 1.2.
    Included are:

    • Comment Count
      Output the number of comments. Can be used to count total number of comments or the number of comments for a specific post when used "in the loop."
    • Comment Plugger
      Gives a list of that last people to comment on a post, with a link to their site if they provided one.
    • Comment Word Count
      Outputs the total number of words in all comments.
    • Most Commented
      Retrieves a list of the posts with the most comments.
    • Post Count
      Outputs the total number of posts.
    • Post Word Count
      Outputs the total number of words in all posts.
    • Recent Comments
      Retrieves a list of the most recent comments.
    • Recent Posts
      Returns a list of the most recent posts.
Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 45 total)
  • im having trouble getting this plugin to work. im getting some output errors. you can see it here: https://esgaroth.servebeer.com. thanks in advance.

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    Have you downloaded the latest version? There was a problem that has been recently fixed.

    yes wordpress 1.2, recent comment plugin is 1.11.

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    It is saying that your table does not exist in the database….is this the correct naming structure?
    Table ‘statistics.wp_comments’ doesn’t exist

    Is there a way to omit a category from the recent posts plugin? I want to run an asides thing on the side and don’t particularly wnat all my little links and random posts contributing to the recent posts…
    Thank yous!

    Thread Starter Nick Momrik


    I believe someone made a modifation similar to what you are asking for. I’ll try to find it.

    Thanks mtDew…I thought I read about it on the boards as well (I think). It’s not a big problem, just an annoying one ??

    There is just one “tweak” that I wish was available. I want to list the last 10 people that left a comment, but I only want to list each person one time. So if you left 4 comments in a row, you would only appear on the list once.
    Someone once wrote code to do this using PHP and my old MT blog, but in converting to WP, I can’t do this now. I miss it. I liked the “Linky Love” I gave to the last people that commented on my site.
    Interested in trying to make a plugin out of the idea? I would be truly grateful! ??

    Christine, you can add it to the wishlist at
    so more plugin writers can see it.
    Interesting idea ??

    Scott Reilly


    WordPress & Plugin Developer

    I just released a Recently Commented Posts plugin which I was able to modify into another plugin, Recent Commenters, which I announced on the forums here. It should do what you requested, Christine.

    MtDewVirus, is there any way to show comments but not pings with this plugin?

    Bumping, looking for an answer from anyone. Seems WP treats pings the same as comments and I’m hoping there’s a way to separate them.

    Bump. I’ll keep bumping until there’s a decent reply. What’s happened to these forums lately? ??

    Nothing has happened to the forums, they are as busy as ever.
    I would suggest that you either email MtDewVirus and ask for his help, or otherwise start a new thread requesting a plugin that will acheive what you want.
    Questions that remain unanswered on these forums are not being ignored, it is because they have a very narrow remit, or are specifically directed at someone and others reading will expect the person being asked to reply.
    This though assumes that the person frequents the forums as often as you do – not always the case.

    Having problems with get_post_count() and get_comment_count():
    echo "".get_post_count()." posts, ".get_comment_count()."comments and 14 trackbacks since January 1st, 2004.";
    posts, comments and 14 trackbacks since January 1st, 2004.
    or… in HTML:
    131132 posts, comments and 14 trackbacks since January 1st, 2004.

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