I may have the same problem as chaaban.
I have the option “User must be registered” to comment turned ON in Options > General Options > User must be registered to comment. This used to result me getting asked to approve a user before someone could submit a comment.
Unfortunately I’m now getting comments from a spammer without getting asked to approve the user. I have searched up and down for this user in my user list so that I can delete it, but I don’t seem to have the guy in my user list. I should be getting an email that says “Please approve so-and-so…” but I’m not.
I loaded my single post page in IE and it says, You must be logged in to post. That looks good. So my confusion lies in how does he submit comments without logging in? Is this a bug that just got found?
I’ve activated Akismet. That does help, but I’m wondering if a bug isn’t being exploited somehow.