Since you have your own template, are you sure that you have the following line in your code?
<?php comments_popup_script(); ?>
Also, I noticed that you can slim down your CSS a bit. For example, you have this:
{background-color: #2F2F2F}
{font-family: Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif;}
{font-size: 8pt}
{color: #1E2618}
{line-height: 10pt}
You can shorten it up like this:
body {
background: #2F2F2F;
color: #1E2618;
font: 8pt Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;
line-height: 10pt
You can shorten up some of the other selectors in a similar fashion. Also, when specifying font size and such, I’d recommend using something other than pt (points) which are really for print. They are allowed, but you may have better cross-browser support using px, or em, or even % for text and line sizes. Just a suggestion! ??
Another suggestion–you have set up some of the IDs with equal padding all around, so you can save a lot of typing by using: padding:5px; as this will give you the same result as typing out the top, right, bottom and left padding stuff. If you have margins in there like that, you can do the same. About the only time you need to declare border: 0; is if you don’t want a blue border around images that are linked. Border for an ID is by default zero, so you don’t need to declare it as zero.