• My Discussion Settings contains the following:

    “Comments should be displayed with the newer comments at the top of each page”

    I presume this means LIFO (i.e., most recent comment at the top) however mine is showing as FIFO (i.e., first comment is at the top.

    Is there any way to make this work as intended?

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  • Have you tried:

    – deactivating all plugins to see if this resolves the problem. If this works, re-activate the plugins one by one until you find the problematic plugin(s).

    – switching to the Twenty Eleven theme to rule out any theme-specific problems.

    Thread Starter aajax


    I’m not using any plugins.

    However, I moved my blog to a hosting service from my own server by following the instructions provided in https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Moving_WordPress quite some time ago. This particularly meant using Fantastico on the hosting service and then transferring my database by using phpmyadmin to export and import the whole database. The host name and all that stuff stayed the same but the version of WP on my server was 2.9.2 and the version on the hosting service is 3.1. Most of the comments that are sorting incorrectly were added after moving the blog but before I changed the settings to display the newer ones on top.

    Is it possible that this was a bad way to migrate the database? If I’m going to start hacking I’d prefer to do that on a test system which would mean migrating the database back to a test system. Therefore, I’m thinking that even to do this it would be wise for me to follow accepted best practice. Please advise!

    Is it possible that this was a bad way to migrate the database?

    Oh yes…You can’t run a 3.1 site with a 2.9 database!

    You need to install WP 2.9.2, restore the database, then carry out a series of smaller upgrades as described in Upgrading_WordPress_Extended until you reached (ideally) 3.3.1. On a related note, why is a host only offering 3.1? I know Fantastico often lags behind but that’s too much.

    Thread Starter aajax


    Well now! It looks like I was deceived by the fact that it appeared to work and has conveyed that appearance for some time now.

    I think this means that I do not have an up-to-date database that is not contaminated/defective. I’m thinking that it might make sense to try and run an export from my live (Version 3.1) instance of WP. Then I could install a new instance of WP (possibly 3.3.1) and run the import.

    Is this something worth trying?

    I’m thinking that I should not expect the normal WP upgrade to work reliably with my contaminated/defective database but anything that can be exported will be a valid format for importing.

    My hosting service says they are migrating away from Fantastico which my explain why it hasn’t been updated. Unfortunately, they don’t have a replacement yet. However, WP seems easy enough to install that I don’t see that as a major obstacle.

    Is this something worth trying?

    I think so, yes.

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