Hello again @ike-ten,
I can understand your suggestion. If you missed some comments which were not spams, I’m sorry about that.
Actually, I agree the wording of the section “Back-end” and “Front-end” in this plugin is not good. Because for us developer, we use these words as the following meanings:
- Back-end: Everything on the server. PHP files, .htaccess, … Sometimes process, sometimes hardware.
- Front-end: All data come from the server on the network (e.g. internet). HTML, image, ….
The image is like this:
Back-end (server)
------------------------- boundary
Front-end (internet)
For example, I can find the comment form when I visit to your post page. But when I write a comment and push “submit” button, then the comment data would be sent to the back-end (wp-comments-post.php) of your server.
For another example, I can find the login form when I visit your login page. But when I put my username and password into the form and push “Log in” button, then for data would be sent to the back-end (wp-login.php) on your server.
So if I categorize the login page (or the form) to the “Front-end” in accordance with the similarity of above’s, you would disagree, wouldn’t you.
I describe the feature of this plugin:
Access to the basic and important entrances into the back-end such as wp-comments-post.php, xmlrpc.php, wp-login.php, wp-signup.php, wp-admin/admin.php, wp-admin/admin-ajax.php, wp-admin/admin-post.php will be validated by means of a country code based on IP address.
So my point is that “the entrances” to receive user’s requests correspond to “Back-end”. And again I agree the current categorization is not good from a user point of view. I think it should not be defined standing on a developer point of view. But I could not find the right wording about topic.
Every opinion is welcome.