• Resolved The Art Monkey


    I just got the latest version of WPPA and lo and behold my comments on photos are breaking with a new one is added. I could also go into the fact that shortcode embedded in a widget that was previous working is also broken but I can live with that for now (I already did a workaround). That said – is there any reason comments which where magically working might suddenly not work? My OLD comments are still there but adding a new comment craps out the page completely (returns a blank page with no image, no comments, no nothing) Also the new comments are not remembered at all. Hmmmm

    Very sad panda but hopefully there is an easy solution I’m missing.

    — The Art Monkey


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  • Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    To clarify – it looks like linking to a photo from the recent comments widgets is what is causing the break. Going to a photo via the gallery links seems fine but a direct link from the comments widget seems to cause the page to go down.

    Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Can you give a real link that shows the problem?

    I just tested it on https://wppa.opajaap.nl and everything works correct there.

    Please tell me what the content is of the page (member-gallery in your example) the comment widget photos link to.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    The change i made recently is that you get now a slideshow containing the same photos as in the recent comment widget. Previously it was a slideshow of the photos in the album the recent commented photo belonged to. In my eyes this is what one would expect, same behaviour as in lastten and topten, and threfor a bugfix.

    Still waiting for a real link to see it going wrong…

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    The links you showed above are correct.


    • Clear server caches if any
    • Edit the offending comment, does it contain funny characters or unexpected html?
    • Try adding a simple comment to the same photo and see what happens
    • Open the faulty page in Firefox, press CTRL+SHIFT+K ( this opens the console ) refresh the page and check for js errors
    • Send me ( opajaap at opajaap dot nl ) a screenshot and the source of the page from the browser
      I can only help you if i can see it with my own eyes, sorry.
    Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    Hey Opa,

    Tried all of the above but no luck. I sent you the info for my site and a log in name and password. (mailed it yesterday) Maybe you will have some luck!

    Thank you!

    -Art Monkey

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    Just found it. See the Do’s and dont’s

    If you have the plugin Google Analytics for WordPress activated, DO NOT check the Track outbound clicks & downloads: checkbox in its configuration. Why? read this bug report.

    Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    Hmm, ok! I did have the outbound clicks thing checked so I unchecked that. Comments still acted funny. I then deactivated the Google Analytics plugin and still got the problem. Maybe it’s one of the other plugins? I’m not sure since this seemed to break directly after I upgraded WPPA (and nothing else)

    I’ll keep checking.

    Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    By the way – I deactivated the Google plugin if you want to check again. I’ll leave it off for the day.

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    I just verified that it works now. Clear your browser cache ( CTRL+F5 ).

    Mover MM


    Hi OpaJaap,

    the same here. After upgrade, if I click a photo on the recent comments widget then my last 20 photos page is called (my setting – table VI 7 b) displaying the selected photo from the widget. When I enter a comment the page is reloaded, then only Breadcrumb with Start/Stop slideshow bar is being displayed followed by the empty rectangle (no photo, no comments). The comment typed is not added to comments of the photo.

    If I navigate to the last 20 photos page directly from menu and click the same photo then there is no problem, I can add a comment to the photo. Also, there is no problem during regular slideshow in a selected album. It looks like only the linking from the recent comments widget causes the problem.

    I don’t use the Google Analytics plugin.

    Regards, MM

    Plugin Author Jacob N. Breetvelt


    It took a while for me to understand the problem but its fixed in 4.8.10

    Mover MM


    Thank you! Excellent support. Regards, MM

    Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    Thanks for checking into it some more Opa. I realize now that Mover MM gave a WAY better description about the issue than I did. I’ll check for the update when I get in.

    I appreciate the help!

    -Art Monkey

    Thread Starter The Art Monkey


    Confirmed working on my site. Thank you again Opa!

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