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  • Plugin Author bonnerl


    I have a fix for that. I was hoping to release it with the next big update but I haven’t had time to finish. I’ll go ahead and push that fix out today in a minor update.

    Thread Starter Michlar


    Thanks a lot ?

    Thread Starter Michlar


    Is the minor update going to be called 0.83 ?

    Plugin Author bonnerl


    Add a period so that it’s 0.8.3 and you’ve got it! ??

    Thread Starter Michlar


    I really look forward to that update ?? Is it ready for tomorrow?


    Plugin Author bonnerl


    I just released it. It should be up in the next few minutes. Please let me know if there are any issues.

    Thread Starter Michlar


    Thanks a lot!! It Works perfectly ??
    But are there any ways on how to change the month today and time format, for example. Danish (eg. istedt 24 hours for the am and pm?)
    Michael Larsen

    Plugin Author bonnerl


    You can edit the plugins primary facebook.php file. If for some reason I have to release another bug fix before I can release 0.9.0 you will lose the changes.

    Starting in 0.9.0 I plan to start using WordPress’s built in humain_time_diff() function to create that date/time string. I would expect that when I make that change it will handle the localization for us.

    If you locate the following in facebook-feed-grabber/facebook.php starting on line 77. Edit the values of today, this_year and other_year using the formatting option provided by PHP’s date() function.

    // Date formats for event times.
    public $date_formats = array(
    	// Event date formats
    	'event' => array(
    		'today' => '\T\o\d\a\y \a\t g:ia',
    		'this_year' => 'l, F jS \a\t g:ia',
    		'other_year' => 'l, F jS, Y \a\t g:ia',
    	// Date formats for when something was posted
    	'feed' => array(
    		'today' => '\T\o\d\a\y \a\t g:ia',
    		'this_year' => 'M jS g:ia',
    		'other_year' => 'M jS, Y g:ia',
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