• Resolved lexhair


    This one is bizarre. I’ve got 3 WordPress 2.9 installs going. On installation #1, I haven’t had a comment since upgrading from 2.8.x and the comments feed works fine.

    On installation #2 and #3 (no comments prior to upgrading to 2.9), calls to my comments feed url return a 404. However, the comments feed for individual posts works fine. The site feed works fine. Category feeds work fine. It’s just the comments feed at:


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  • Thread Starter lexhair


    I should also add that on the installations that don’t work, WordPress is a CMS with a static home page. I don’t think it affects comments but I thought I’d mention it. I also reverted to the default theme and did the customary plugin deactivation.

    I’ve made my .htaccess writable and reset permalinks without success. WordPress is installed in the root directory. This is a real headscratcher.

    Thread Starter lexhair


    And the winner is…plugin conflict.

    Culprit EventCalendar3 ver 3.2 beta 2.

    Weird, I am seeing the same problem, where /comments/feed/ is broken (404). I too have Event Calendar version 3.1.4 installed, but it is deactivated. Can a deactivated plugin cause something like this?

    There are also have no comments at all on the site — WP as CMS — and I suspect that’s the real problem, as noted here:

    I’m able to reproduce this problem on two of my sites with no plugins.

    Ah! I can offer a third cause to this: Orphaned comments. For example, if you empty the posts table in the database, WordPress will still report the number of comments in the comments table, but the feed will be empty and throw its 404 status.

    I found a way to fix the RSS comment feed for EventCalendar3 ver 3.2 beta 2, but I am not sure if there are any sideeffects. So far, everything seems to be working – but please be aware and test the change on your site first.

    How to:
    1. open /wp-content/plugins/event-calendar/options.php
    2. go to line 148
    3. change $this->advanced_setting=$this->advanced;
    4. to //$this->advanced_setting=$this->advanced;

    As said before, I tried to fix this, but didnt quite understand how the plugin works here so I just commented out the line which was caused the comment rss feed to work.

    Perhaps anyone can help and offer a proper fix and not just this workaround.



    getting page not found when you click on: RSS comments feed

    please help me to fix this problem…

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