This checkbox should be placed where you want it to be placed by default. Are you applying any custom filters to your form? This placement can be controlled by one of our filters yikes-mailchimp-wp-comment-integration-placement
. This filter will pass you the $comment_form_field
variable which if set to 'comment_form_field_comment'
this placement should be below your fields and right above the submit button.
If you’re not applying filters maybe another one of your plugins is messing with this filter. In that case you could add the following code to your themes functions.php file or through at custom functions plugin.
add_filter( 'yikes-mailchimp-wp-comment-integration-placement', function() {
return 'comment_form_field_comment';
}, 999 );
The 999 will make sure that this filter is executed last after all other functions. I notice you have Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time
added to your form. How is this being added to your form? This is most likely the cause of your issue.
Let me know if this helps! If you need a plugin to add Custom Functions this should do the trick. Just copy and paste my code into that plugin.