• Using WP 1.5, when clicking on comment, this is what happens:
    “Not Found
    The requested URL (whatever url it is) was not found on this server.

    Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
    Apache/1.3.33 Server at https://www.endless-blaze.org Port 80″

    Don’t know what’s wrong. It’s all problems problems since I upgraded. ??

    Anyone can help?? Thanks a lot in advance!! ??

    OOPS! Forgot the blog link! https://endless-blaze.org/blog

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  • It’s cause you turned on permalinks without creating a .htaccess file and not CHMOD the .htaccess file to 666


    Thread Starter kaly


    You people are FAST!!!! I’ll check that out, thanks!

    Thread Starter kaly


    Still a little problem…. What exactly should the .htaccess say?? I just don’t want to mess it up even more!

    if you create a blank .htaccess file and upload it to where your WP folder is located, and CHMOD it to 666 then go back and update your permalink structure, WP will take care of the rest.

    Thread Starter kaly


    At the end of my blog page I’ll write “powered by WP 1.5 and the guys from the forums” LOL

    Thanks so much!!

    heh looks like you got it working

    Thread Starter kaly


    Yup! Seriously, when i get around to tweaking the template, I swear I’ll add that little “powered by” tag!

    I don’t know if anyone still reads this thread, but do you know if you need to keep the permission of .htaccess as 666? or once that issue is resolved, can they go back to 644?

    Yes, you could go back to 644.

    If you are writing only posts – you can go back. However if you write Pages the .htaccess file needs to be updated with new rules for every Pages created in the Write > Write Page admin panel.
    If you don’t make Pages very often, probably you should keep it at 644, and just changing it before you save a new Page. (then turn it back to unwritable)

    In the Permalinks codex (below) it warns that leaving permission as 666 “is not recommended, since if you do that, any user of your blog, who can edit templates will be able to edit it.”

    1. Is this the only “security threat”?
    2. If so, and that is a non-issue/concern (I don’t have other users) then I might as well leave it, right?


    .htaccess file needs to be updated with new rules for every Pages created in the Write > Write Page admin panel.
    I don’t believe the above statement is true. Writing a Page does not need updating permalink. Verify it yourself.
    Edit: I was wrong; Moshu’s right.

    If so, and that is a non-issue/concern (I don’t have other users) then I might as well leave it, right?
    Again, I don’t know what I’m talking about, but…
    If you’re in a shared host (which is likely), a 666 permission allows other users in that server to write to that file. Verifiy it yourself.


    Edit. I “verified” it: created a Page without having the .htaccess file writable (i.e. it was set to 644) and created a new Page. Try to access it here – the title is “permatest page” in the right menu!

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