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  • bernbe01


    sorry to say but you have an issue in your sites files

    when on that page, i viewed the source code, and it failed to make it to the comment loop. pthe last line should (almost) always be </html> and that is not present on that page which implies a theme/plugin issue

    also your sidebar does not load on that page so the code is breaking somewhere inbetween the post’s content and the sidebar

    if it was me, i would go into the post in text mode, take a backup of the text, and try just putting “hello world” in. if the page then is able to load sidebar, footer, comments, then you know there is something broken in the post’s content

    i know it *could* work because you get your sidebar and footer fine on this page:

    Thread Starter kokolikes


    Oh gosh- so I am SO not an HTML person, if the code is breaking somewhere, what does that mean? Like how can I fix it? I did try the Hello World thing and the same thing popped up (no sidebar, footer, comments), etc.



    ok so the next step is disable all of your plugins and reload the page. if that works, enable them one at a time until you find one that breaks it.

    if none of them do break it, temporarily try switching your theme to 2015. if that works, it’s worth reaching out to the theme devs or making sure your theme is up to date

    Thread Starter kokolikes


    Ok thank you!!!

    Thread Starter kokolikes


    Ok here is something weird- if a post HAS a comment, the post comes up broken. But if it doesn’t, it appears fine!

    This post went up last week and is fine. I’m so confused!



    let me know when you’ve gotten through disabling all the plugins and tested that way. off hand i’d guess related to them & commentluv combination

    if not that, since thesis is a premium theme you will have to contact the theme developers

    this old thread had this same theme and the same problem

    –> disabling all of the plugins worked for one of the people but the other had to reach out to the theme devs

    Thread Starter kokolikes


    I was thinking it may be like this pst:

    Since I do run Thesis, but I am not familiar with FTP at all…. so there is that!

    I did activate/deactivate all plug-ins and still nothing. Sigh.




    that link you sent looks hopeful

    what version of thesis are you on? they mention at least 1.8.5?

    do you know if you havr ftp access, even if it is something you aren’t too familiar with (yet)?

    Thread Starter kokolikes


    Ok so mine is Thesis version 1.8.2, so perhaps this doesn’t apply? And I have no clue about FTP access… About two years ago I paid someone to move my blog over from .com to .org, and she installed the Thesis, etc…. sigh. At this point I just want to pay someone to fix it, but don’t even know where to find someone haha!



    You may want to ask on the Thesis theme forums for any additional help

    If you want to hire someone, please post a job listing here:

    We have to close threads offering to pay –

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