• CarolineAnne


    I just updated to the newest version of WP trying to correct this info to no avail.

    Note: My blog is installed on my website via Dreamhost one click installs.

    Basically, I will get an email notification of a new comment posted on my blog.

    When I open the email EVERYTHING is blank except for the WhoIs link (which takes me to a 405 error page.)

    At first I thought this was just spam and ignored it.
    Now I’ve come to find that NO comments are going through.

    I was using Askimet and diabled it and just now deleted it, hoping to fix the error.

    Initially it worked with disabling Askimet, then I installed a new spam filter and it caught the 4 test comment posts, but I couldn’t get to them to un-spam them. Deleted that fiter. Installed and nothing went through that one at all that I could see. Deleted that one and…. Nothing. I have NO comments at ALL.


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