• This is a strange problem and just started occuring not long ago for no apparent reason, my comments used to work but one day just stopped!

    When anyone tries to submit a comment in either FF or IE it just goes to a blank wp-comments.php page

    I have no plugins installed and does not work in the default theme either. I upgraded to 1.5.1 and this did not fix it either.

    The address of my wp install is https://randomo.ocel.co.uk if anyone wants to test it out for themselves.

    I appreciate any help anyone has to offer.

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  • richtagg


    Hi, I have just recently installed WP and 2.0 and I’m having this problem.

    I just get a blank page when I try to post a comment.
    I’ve tried adding the referrer hack mentioned above, but it doesn’t like it.

    Has anyone come up with a solution for this?



    jumping on the thread. having the same problem. tried shivian’s hack to no avail.



    Yeah, I’ve been looking on the bugs site for this problem and I can’t see it reported there so will add it.

    I hope that I can find a fix for this problem soon, my visitors are complaining :-s




    any solutions yet, i am using wp 2.2 i have gm up right now as a back up til I get my comment working … https://www.angel-trash.org/wordpress



    I am having the same problem — posted in a different thread before i found this one. Ideas???



    Well, I turned off plugin “Spam Assasin” (redundent now with askimet), and now my comments work just fine.

    Thanks for the plugin suggestion, macmanx.

    Hi, finally worked out where I was going wrong.

    I’ve been using an old mallow theme and this did not have the necessary hook in the comments.php.

    I downloaded the latest version and the problem resolved itself.

    Same problem for me happened a couple of weeks ago. My site was working fine, then visitors began to complain that leaving comments brought them to a blank page. I tried updating my theme to the newest version and disabling all my plugins and it still isn’t working.


    I have 4 blogs in my server and one had this problem, I had to change the database… Them it worked perfectly!

    Found out my problem. Don’t know the exact solution, but disabling the my shoutbox plugin helped.

    Been having the same problem. Reverting to the default Theme helped. Now I just need to dig into the comments.php file to see why the Theme I heavily modified (Pool) *doesn’t* work.

    Update: got it to work. I simply copy/pasted the contents of the default theme’s comments.php file to my theme’s comments.php file. Works perfectly now!

    (Darniaq.com in case anyone cares ?? )

    I have the same problem. Disabling Akismet fixed it. What’s going on?

    I’m having that problem myself. Disabling Akismet hasn’t fixed it, though. I’m going to try a different template and see if that will work.


    same issue. i just updated from 2.0.2 to 2.0.3 and this was the result. no otehr changes have been made, but askimet and plugins don’t seem to change anything. the theme is correctly coded.

    I’m new to WordPress, (only been using it a week), and I’m getting this problem too. I get a blank page for ‘Previous entries’ as well, which I don’t see anyone else mentioning.

    Perhaps related, (or perhaps not), is a comment editing problem I had. Before they’d disapeared I’d tried editing one of my comments for the first time and doing so forced a slash ( / ) in front of any apostrophes in the comment. All attempts to stop this happening failed. I was seeing the comments appear as I was playing with that though.

    A while after however I had a ‘MySQL database down’ error and then the next day the blog was back but with just blank pages instead of the comments.

    The comments are viewable via the Blog Stats on the Dashboard.

    Being a new user I’ve still a default settup, (WP 2.0.3), so it must be something to do with the basic WordPress that’s causing this.

    Edit: Categories give a blank page too.

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