• I ran this query on my WP DB based on advice on the forum on shutting off comments on old posts:
    UPDATE wp_posts SET comment_status="closed";

    On the home page, old posts now show the comments as Comments Off. But recent posts that have been closed by the Auto shutoff comments show the link as no comments (or x comments) and when you follow the link the metadata paragraph lets you know that comments are closed.

    So, I prefer the link to be available over the text just saying Comments Off underneath the post. How do I fix this?

    Here’s a link if anyone needs a visual:

    thanks in advance,

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  • Thread Starter zoblue


    My archives page for February can more clearly show what I’m talking about above: https://blog.zoblue.com/2005/02/

    Also, I checked my WP database and I compared the entries that have the comments OFF to the entries that have the comments CLOSED. The wp-posts table shows the comment_status as closed in both cases. However, does the ping_status have any affect on the comments being shown as off vs. closed?

    I bet that’s what it is, the entries that have the ping_status as closed show the comments as being “off.”

    Thread Starter zoblue


    So now the question becomes: how to edit the Auto Close Comments script to also auto close a post’s ping_status? I’ll give it a try tonight, but I don’t feel very smart today. :p

    Thread Starter zoblue


    In the Auto Close Comments script, all I had to do was edit the line below and add , ping status = ‘closed’ like so:

    $wpdb->query ("UPDATE $tableposts SET comment_status = 'closed', ping_status = 'closed' WHERE post_date < '$cutoff_date' AND post_status = 'publish'");

    That way all posts’ comments and pings are closed and you don’t get any spam comments or pings/trackbacks on old posts. Right? Sounds right to me. :p

    here’s a plugin that you may like to try:


    It replaces “no comments” with “comments off” if your comments are indeed turned off. Good luck!

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