• Hi
    My own theme ChessatmybloG is not displaying sidebar or footer properly.
    I am having some problem somewhere with comment.php , page.php , single.php

    This can be seen at onlinewpthemetest

    I have spent somewhile trying to fix this but with no success yet.
    I am grateful for help & advice and look forward to helpful replies, many thanks

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  • Thread Starter richardpd


    I still have not been able to fix my comments page displaying properly.
    Can someone please reply with help & advice on how to code comments.php? (see my theme at link in my first post).

    As always I look forward to helpful replies, thanks

    check your site for validation: https://validator.w3.org/

    there seems to be a </div> missing before you call the sidebar.
    (in single.php, and in page.php)

    Thread Starter richardpd


    Hi alchymyth
    Thanks for your reply.
    I will look both at validating and check for missing </div> in single & page.php. How did you know a closing div tag was missing from those files? How does one debug a theme?

    My theme developing skill just now is basic and limited so I have a lot to learn. So far I am getting experience with what I call ‘basic/core’ theme files eg header.php,index.php,sidebar.php,footer.php,functions.php,style.css but I have yet to get to know all the other files (I call these ‘extras’) eg comments.php, single.php, page.php,archive.php, category.php, 404.php, and several more!
    For many of these ‘extra’ files they just contain code direct from another theme (often default theme Kubrick or TwentyTen), so it is not surprising there are errors!

    Anyway I will try & sort my theme code and try to keep learning & gaining experience with WordPress theme development. My goal is to be able to make a theme designed by me that has the features I want! So many custom themes have some but not all the features/layouts I like!

    Best wishes

    try to get familiar with something like firebug or the web developer add-on for firefox – these are great tools to debug and tweak websites including wordpress.
    time and practice do the rest…
    (and looking things up in tutorials such as the codex and w3school.com, everytime something new crosses your path)

    particular sidebars out of place usually have missing or misplaced closing divs – and with the above mentioned tools you can try to add or remove part of the rendered html code in the browser; checking the effect in real time.
    obviously, it can get even more complicated when the effect depends on conditional circumstances such as a comment forms, etc.
    sometimes it is just a bit more complicated to guess where in which template file this happened.
    having disected a lot of themes helps as a majority or themes are structured very similar.

    Thread Starter richardpd


    Help still needed please!?

    I validated my code but I still have problems!

    Now I find in IE8 my sidebar does not fit the page /content length as it should (should fit/stretch from header to footer-it works in Firefox-is this something to do with the CSS3 code?). How can I make it run the whole way in IE8/9?

    The other problem is when clicking on comments from the home/index page, the page that displays has the footer & sidebar out of place-see:

    I have tried to fix this but with no success yet.
    Please can somebody help me figure out why this is and how to both fix these problems?!

    I look forward to helpful replies, thanks

    Thread Starter richardpd


    Quick reply update!

    After I edited single and page.php to be identical to index.php the comments page displays fine (footer & sidebar back in proper position)now.

    However I still need to fix the sidebar length displaying in IE8/9-any help please?

    Again I look forward to helpful replies, thanks

    Thread Starter richardpd


    Further rapid response update!

    I added this theme to my chess blog and my footer & sidebar are now displaying out of position!
    They display fine in my online theme test viewer

    but not on my chessblog atchessat.richard-dickinson.com

    Can someone please tell me how to fix this?
    I look forward to helpful replies, thanks

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