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  • Mr E


    I was returned to

    My page returned me to

    Are you using anything that manages comments, or have you with this install in the past? I am not certain of all url changes in the options, but let me know if that is one of them as the last segment of your url sparks my question.


    Thread Starter janfred


    No, I am not using any comment plugins nor have I every with this install.

    I’ve only been working with WordPress and CSS for a couple weeks, but it seems that whatever code re-directs after comments are submitted can’t find the main page because of it’s status as a static page.
    If I am not am making sense, please let me know.

    Mr E


    You make sense, the information just helps direct folks to the solution ??

    Does it do this with default theme?


    Thread Starter janfred


    With the default theme I can’t even get the comments box to show.


    Thread Starter janfred


    This bit of code is at the bottom of index.php. Is there any way to alter this code to make it redirect back to my static home page?

    // END of: If there are any posts
    // If there are no posts:
    else :
    <h2><?php _e(‘Not Found’,’atahualpa’); ?></h2>
    <p><?php _e(“Sorry, but you are looking for something that isn’t here.”,”atahualpa”); ?></p>
    <?php endif; ?>
    <?php get_footer(); ?>

    Just a thought.


    Mr E


    This looks like an issue with WordPress if its doing this on the default theme as well.

    I really am unsure why its redirecting back like that – I will try to look into it more tonight.

    Thread Starter janfred


    Greatly Appreciated!

    Mr E


    Googled the topic and reading a bit about Using_Permalinks.

    Also give this thread a look.
    Initially the thread starts off about images but it also (eventually) covers this 404 comments problem (or a 404 comments problem that is similar)

    Thread Starter janfred


    Thanks ebiladdress

    My htaccess file does not have any of the referenced code. I guess I am just stuck for now.

    Thanks again,


    I’m having exactly this same problem – comments leading to a page not found due to the use of a static main page. Did anyone ever figure out a resolution?

    I just discovered that this is an issue with comment pagination (in conjunction with using a static main page). In discussion settings, turn off the option to break comments into multiple pages and the problem goes away. A wordpress bug, evidently.

    Thread Starter janfred


    Thanks KariG!

    You are my hero. It worked like a charm.


    I have found out that the answer lies in adding a pagination plugin. Once you add that in, it should be no problem for your comments.

    @edrtox what’s the name of that pagination plugin you mention?!

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