• I have just set up my blog but comments rss doesn’t work.
    If I click on the link nothing visible happens.

    But on my local set up it works so it its only a problem on my ISP.

    The posts rss works so its only the comments which don’t.
    I’m calling:

    <a href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" title="Posts RSS feed" class="iconrss">rss posts</a><br />
    <a href="<?php bloginfo('comments_rss2_url'); ?>" title="Posts RSS feed" class="iconrss">rss comments</a>

    page is at: https://www.visualperception.net/blog

    any clues?

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  • Seems fine from here.

    I viewed it and so did the Feed Validator.

    Thread Starter percepts


    Well thats confused me because it didn’t work when I reported it, but it does now. Strange. I suspect there may be some cacheing issue with my ISP although I never experienced that before with them.

    Thanks anyhow.

    Thread Starter percepts


    back again. I have been playing with this a little more and what happened was that I had edited the rss files to use my domain name in the generator tag. Having done that it wouldn’t work on my local server and I discovered the files were in western Latin format so I changed them to UTF-8 in dreamweaver. It then worked on my local system but not on my ISP. So then I reverted to original files and it worked on both local and ISP servers.

    The question is, since the files are now not encoded in UTF-8 why do they work on both my local and ISP servers when the XML generated says they are in UTF-8 format?

    the w3c validator says my isp server is sending us-ascii.

    so how should the rss files be encoded?

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