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  • <?php

    Plugin Name: WordPress Mailing List

    ### Please obtain your plugin from ###


    do not download!

    The rules seem pretty straightforward that it must be “GPL compatible” (free), as it says here.

    Maybe somebody knows how to alert the powers that be about this?

    All that GPL stuff doesn’t necessarily means “free as in free beer”…

    (Unfortunately, you have to buy it to see whether it is compatible with the other requirements, like free distribution: if it does, let’s the 4 of us put together $5 each, buy it and re-distribute it for free ??

    From this, it appears that it is not meant to be GPL. I have no problem with folks charging for plugins if they really want to (though I wouldn’t make money off of any of my plugins), so probably better to just delist them than assume GPL, if it were up to me.

    Of course, it’s not up to me.

    Hey there,

    I’m the owner of this plugin.
    It is indeed a commercial plugin.
    The only reason why there is a donation link is because the readme.txt wouldn’t validate without it.

    The plugin listing request was approved, so I don’t think there is a problem with the fact that it is commercial. I’m sure I’ve seen other commercial plugins on here somewhere.

    All the best,

    The plugin listing request was approved, so I don’t think there is a problem with the fact that it is commercial.

    Perhaps. Though I have my doubts that they noticed this when they approved, unless you specifically said in your description of the plugin that you submitted for approval that it wasn’t free….

    This sucks man, you just cost me at least 7 minutes of my precious time. I rated your plugin 1 star because I can’t rate it -10.


    “commercial” is not the real opposite of GPL.
    The real question is this: is your plugin under a GPL compatible license – or not.
    Because that is the condition to be listed there.
    In the light of my suggestion above I am really, really curious to see your answer…

    This… is absolute crap. The plugin is not listed on, just an ad. I don’t care about commercial, GPL, or whatever else, this person has simply posted an ad onto the site under the guise of distributing a plugin.

    This is SPAM in my opinion, and is pretty low.


    The plugin author chose not to answer the request here regarding the license of the plugin. Instead he contacted me privately stating:

    I read your message regarding redistributing my plugin.

    If you read the terms and conditions on my site, you’ll realize that it would not be a good thing to do.

    Besides the fact that there is no “Terms & Conditions” link on the plugin’s site, this is a clear sign that the plugin doesn’t satisfy the basic requirement posted over at the Extend page, namely:
    Your plugin must be GPL Compatible.

    from the site:

    All rights reserved and copyright ? 2007 Tribulant Software Inc.

    That would seem to indicate that it is NOT GPL.

    This is very upseting.

    My Own plugin was denied listing, reasons were not given but I can assume it was because my homepage is an adult based site (which is fine, I’m moving the plugin to a G rated site soon and will re-list).

    … but here is a guy BLATANTLY violating the terms, Charging $10 – $30 for plugins that have NO GPL LICENSE, and are violations of the GLP Licenses of others who’s work these plugins are based upon (He’s trying to make money on others GPL licensed work) …

    And he gets MULTIPLE Listings in the repository?!?!

    Color me TICKED OFF…

    Maybe one of the mods would like to contact the automattic folks about this to get it delisted…?

    I’ve temporarily suspended the plugin and have contacted the author privately asking for clarification on his licensing and intent to host the full plugin in the SVN repo.

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