• Hi to the team,

    There is something strange about the “site activities” page.
    Someone posted a photo in note(1). This same person added his own comment (2) then another comment to his 1st comment (3).

    We can see that the photo and its 2 comments appear included in a single block, but we also see that the 2 comments appear detached above.

    It’s very destabilizing and it greatly complicates the proper understanding of the course of the conversation. Members are lost! (this is the feedback I get from members who find the site quite complicated).
    How to fix this display issue to make it coherent/logical?`


    Thank you for your help

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 3 months ago by mand01.
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  • Hi @mand01

    I assume there is a theme or plugin that rewriting the rtMedia comment display ordering. It should should something like this based on your scenario: https://prnt.sc/IBRCyPRiqzLW

    I’d recommend you try with a different theme or temporarily disabling other plugins to find out who is actually writing it.


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