• Hi,

    I have about 7 wordpress blogs on the same site. What i want to do is that if someone registers on one of the sections, I want to give him access to the other 6 blogs. I also need help with making this work for all sections so if anyone registers on any of the blog he has the ability to go to the admin of the rest of the blogs.

    Any suggestions ?

    Thanks in advance

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  • You may have to reconfigure your blogs’ database but this method has been given for doing it with two blogs. Should work with 7

    Share users between two blogs
    Put them both in the same database with different prefixes. Then choose one of them to be the master user table. Then do this in both wp-config.php files:


    Replace the wp_ with the prefix you want.

    you can have multiple blogs share one database by selecting a different table prefix for each blog. They are 7 separate installations but all tables (7 blogs times 10 default tables each) will all be in one database, each set with its own prefix. The CUSTOM_USER defines to WordPress that the named tables override the default table allocation and are shared among all blogs using that database.

    You will want to test this by setting up 3 or 4 blogs, either locally or on your server, in this arrangement, to confirm it will work for you, before adopting it as a solution.

    Another possibility is WordPress multiuser, but that is more involved to configure and admin.

    How we can do that with new wp?

    how i can use users with multi wp sites (some host and db) easy?

    Surely someone, somewhere is working on this as well? I can’t be the only WordPress user out of a million who needs to share the same user table and authentication among a half dozen otherwise autonomous WordPress installs…

    Insight appreciated.

    The above method doesn’t work, by the way. Locks me out of the wp-admin: “You don’t have sufficient permissions to view this page.”

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