Como crear una posicion de Whatsapp y Messenger
?Hola a todos!
Intentó seguir este video Pero no logró poner la posición deseada en el messenger, y tampoco me aparece el whatsapp. El whatsapp que ven es el plugin “WAme chat” (provisoriamente). Quisiera que en mi página se vea como el resultado del video, como se ve en el minuto 13:42, con la diferencia de que el whatsapp este abajo y el messenger arriba.
Como mi página tiene la flecha de subir arriba (de todo), desearia que me quede de la siguiente forma (de abajo para arriba): Flecha que sube (a la parte superior), luego el logo de whatsapp y mas arriba el logo de messenger.Mi tema: i-amaze
Archivos modificados:
wp-content / themes / i-amaze / (footer.php y Style.css)Dejo en negrita las modificaciones, del css, para que sea mas sencillo encontrar dichas modificaciones.
Theme Name: i-amaze
Theme URI:
Author: templatesnext team
Author URI:
Description: i-amaze is a beautiful and flexible theme with several premium features including fullscreen slider, portfolio, testimonial, team members, etc. This highly customizable theme is ideal for startup business websites, portfolios, personal websites or blogging. Highly responsive nature of i-amaze makes it suitable for large desktop screens to small mobile screens. Some of the features are unlimited color, boxed/wide layout, custom background, custom css styling, social links, multiple blog layout, etc. i-amaze comes with the plugin “templatesnext OnePager” giving you extra flexibility and functionality.
Version: 1.2.7
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
License URI:
Tags: one-column, two-columns, right-sidebar, custom-colors, custom-menu, featured-images, flexible-header, full-width-template, microformats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
Text Domain: i-amazeiamaze WordPress Theme, Copyright 2014
iamaze is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL
* Table of Contents:
* 1.0 – Reset
* 2.0 – Repeatable Patterns
* 3.0 – Basic Structure
* 4.0 – custom genericons
* 5.0 – Top Utility bar
* 6.0 – Header
* 6.1 – Site Header
* 6.2 – Navigation
* 6.3 – Banner Slider
* 7.0 – Featured Content
* 8.0 – Content
* 8.1 – Entry Header
* 8.2 – Entry Meta
* 8.3.1 – Entry Content
* 8.3.2 – inner page header
* 8.4 – Galleries
* 8.5 – Post Formats
* 8.6 – Attachments
* 8.7 – Post/Paging Navigation
* 8.8 – Author Bio
* 8.9 – Archives
* 8.10 – Search Results/No posts
* 8.11 – 404
* 8.12 – Comments
* 8.13 – Multisite
* 9.0 – Sidebar
* 9.1 – Widgets
* 10.0 – Footer
* 11.0 – other
* 12.0 – Media Queries
* 13.0 – Print
* —————————————————————————-
* 1.0 Reset
* Modified from Normalize.css to provide cross-browser consistency and a smart
* default styling of HTML elements.
* @see
* —————————————————————————-
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* 2.0 Repeatable Patterns
* —————————————————————————-
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* Responsive images
* Fluid images for posts, comments, and widgets
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* 3.0 Basic Structure
* —————————————————————————-
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* 4.0 generiicon sizes and shapes
* —————————————————————————-
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* 5.0 Utility bar
* —————————————————————————-
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* 6.0 Header
* —————————————————————————-
* 6.1 Site Header
* —————————————————————————-
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* 6.2 Navigation
* —————————————————————————-
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* 6.3 Banner slider
* —————————————————————————-
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* 6.0 featured Content
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* 8.0 Content
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* 8.2 Entry Meta
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* 8.3.1 Entry Content
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* 8.4 Galleries
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* 8.5 Post Formats
* —————————————————————————-
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* 8.6 Attachments
* —————————————————————————-
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* 8.7 Post/Paging Navigation
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* 8.8 Author Bio
* —————————————————————————-
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* 8.9 Archives
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* 8.10 Search Results/No posts
* —————————————————————————-
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* 5.11 404
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* —————————————————————————-
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* 5.13 Multisite
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* 9.0 Sidebar
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* 9.1 Widgets
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* 7.0 Footer
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* 11.0 others – go to top
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* 12.0 Media Queries
* —————————————————————————-
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* 13.0 Print
* —————————————————————————-
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* 12.0 WooCommerce
* —————————————————————————-
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border-color: #ccc;
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