The “Compact Search” layout uses a different algorithm to find how many room units are available for booking for the requested dates, and it’s only useful in case of large room parties (i.e. a 4-room reservation with a different number of adults occupancy).
If you believe this particular layout fits you better, then we invite you to get in touch with our technical support team through our website, because being able to test specific dates and checking your rooms occupancy and availability settings is fundamental to dig into the issue. Unfortunately, this is not something we could help you with on this forum, but what we can tell you is that if you are now using the other layout (“Classic”), please make sure to set to “Dynamic” the setting “Availability for Multiple-rooms search” rather than to “Automatic”, so that in case of low units remaining on some requested dates, the selection of multiple rooms will automatically suggest what rooms are still available for booking.
The VikWP Team