• For a friend I build a website using my own build theme in which I make use of the Captain Slider.

    It occured to me that the slider (who loads normally on every page) was gone on some pages, after deactivating and activating plugins it seems that it only happens when the facebook plugin is activated.

    When I have look at the source code, it seems on those pages where the slider doesn’t load, the list of sliderimages hasn’t been included.

    Example HTML code on page where it does work:

    <div id="slider" class="pagepart">
    		<div class="flexslider">
    			<ul class="slides">
    					<li class="post-68 slides type-slides status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry">
    											<a href="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/">
    					<img width="1200" height="380" src="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/wp-content/uploads/slider3.jpg" class="attachment-ctslider_slide wp-post-image" alt="slider3" />						</a>
    					<li class="post-76 slides type-slides status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry">
    											<a href="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/">
    					<img width="1200" height="380" src="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/wp-content/uploads/slider-1200x380.png" class="attachment-ctslider_slide wp-post-image" alt="slider" />						</a>
    					<li class="post-70 slides type-slides status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry">
    											<a href="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/pakketten/">
    					<img width="1200" height="380" src="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/wp-content/uploads/slider2.jpg" class="attachment-ctslider_slide wp-post-image" alt="slider2" />						</a>
    										<p class="flex-caption">Waar wacht je nog op!! Bekijk onze pakketten en neem rijles...</p>
    					<li class="post-72 slides type-slides status-publish has-post-thumbnail hentry">
    											<a href="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/de-rijles/">
    					<img width="1200" height="380" src="https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/cms/wp-content/uploads/slider1.jpg" class="attachment-ctslider_slide wp-post-image" alt="slider1" />						</a>
    										<p class="flex-caption">Wat gebeurt er allemaal in de rijles?
    Bekijk het hier...</p>
    			</ul><!-- .slides -->
    		</div><!-- .flexslider -->
    				</div><!-- end slider -->

    HTML when the slider doesn’t load:

    <div id="slider" class="pagepart">
    					</div><!-- end slider -->


    Homepage (where the slider does work): https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/ (dutch)
    Page where the slider doesn’t work: https://www.rijopleidingenvanbochove.nl/de-rijles/ (dutch)

    Can someone help me out what I should do in order to make it work on all pages?


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