Compatibility issue with SmarterMail on Hostek
This website is hosted on Hostek. The client uses a SmarterMail account (a service of Hostek) to receive form entry emails. As of 5/13, when an applicant submitted the Employment Application form, the emails containing the form fields, followed by the attached PDF file, functioned correctly.
On 5/15, the site was fully updated. We have not had issues with Gravity PDF forms on the other sites we are using them on, so we did not test them here. The client recently reported that since 5/15, all email entries from this form contained unparsed html, followed by a very long string of characters.
We logged into their account to compare the emails, and it appears that the long string of characters might be the PDF. After updating everything, we made a test submission of the form. The email was still unparsed and contained the long string of characters.
We added a Gmail account to the notifications for the form and submitted another application. The email that arrived in the Gmail account is parsed. No issues with it at all. But the same entry that was sent to the SmarterMail account is unparsed.
We discussed the issue with Hostek’s customer service and the result of their troubleshooting was a suspicion that the issue was being caused by the long string of characters. They were unable to fix the issue at all on their side.
After deactivating the PDF for the Employment Application form and submitting the form again, the email was parsed correctly. No PDF attachment was present (as expected – it was deactivated).
It appears that the issue must be compatibility between SmarterMail and Gravity PDF after a patch sometime prior to or on 5/15.
I do not see how to attach screenshots of the unparsed email within SmarterMail, but I can copy example sections of the unparsed email (I don’t see a point in copying it all over).
The beginning of the email. This contains all the entries for the form as it should display in the email.
<html> <head> <title>New Employment Application from Boberson,Bob</title> </head> <body> <table width="99%" border="0" cellpadding="1" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#EAEAEA"><tr><td> <table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"> <tr> <td colspan="2" style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold; background-color:#EEE; border-bottom:1px solid #DFDFDF; padding:7px 7px">Personal Information</td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#EAF2FA"> <td colspan="2">
The end of the unparsed fields of the email, and the beginning of the long string of characters:
<font style="font-family: sans-serif; font-size:12px;">07/06/2020</font> </td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table> </body> </html> JVBERi0xLjQKJeLjz9MKMyAwIG9iago8PC9UeXBlIC9QYWdlCi9QYXJlbnQgMSAwIFIKL01lZGlh Qm94IFswIDAgNjEyLjAwMCA3OTIuMDAwXQovVHJpbUJveCBbMC4wMDAgMC4wMDAgNjEyLjAwMCA3 OTIuMDAwXQovUmVzb3VyY2VzIDIgMCBSCi9Hcm91cCA8PCAvVHlwZSAvR3JvdXAgL1MgL1RyYW5z cGFyZW5jeSAvQ1MgL0RldmljZVJHQiA+PiAKL0Fubm90cyBbIDkgMCBSIF0gCi9Db250ZW50cyA0 IDAgUj4+CmVuZG9iago0IDAgb2JqCjw8L0ZpbHRlciAvRmxhdGVEZWNvZGUgL0xlbmd0aCAzMTg4 Pj4Kc3RyZWFtCnic3Vxbcxw1Ftbz/Ao9QtWitO6tt3WCCaEgIbGzFLXsg3Ec7GwcghNI8e85Ukvq I3V70mq38WbL5bl8o3Obc/TpSNMz9DfKWdd1xe3VL7suPBhuDRfh3rrh/uqMvqRPqaDfwDBtLP2w u39M730laB9eP35JD493g6qk6eHu3sMjTn95l0Vg3NXu3/+hHX2RXwtqJHVMmqTmN4pd6aJ/lHpx CuNFz6Qy1CrDFAfwBaWfkUNySd6S1+RX8ic8OiNvyHtCyQFgHr0gp+QEkAt4/c3n9PgV2KFPSyfK WDbwT3AmpIz+fQ8+XZF33j548hp8ewSPXsLzK/D3Rr5ZJrpW3zrBVO+ib4/hffqOHDbZ/pghqZg1 hpreMi5MNHQfQvwZQh/u8xsyNfxbrKEPu+xwB1Eqekl3wrHOgWbnmNKKvqY73Qvm4MUCkszAwyQH
The long string of characters continues for many many pages.
Thank you for your help!
The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]
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