Compatibility problem with group pricing
Hi. I am using currency switcher and in general it works fine. But there is one problem with compatibility with plugins such as Group pricing. I have tested few simillar plugins to group prcing and still the same the problem. I put the product in Euro but the welcome currency is Polish zloty PLN. When i activate Group Pricing – prices change into some wierd very high values. If i switch option: “Is multiple allowed” to NO the discounts works but only when i browse the product in the shop but when i add some items to the cart and then i go further to the last stage of the cart (the point when you finalize the transaction and pay for the product – checkout) the prices change from polish zloty to euro and also cost of the shipment changes its values. Prices are in Euro also on the order confirmation which is send by email to a client. In Poland you can’t pay by Euro also the prices in the shop must be in Polish Zloty. Please help me to solve this problem. Thank you in advanced
I am using uptdated Avada theme but on clean wordpress the problem is the same.
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