Hi kishores,
I am sorry if I only write you after un week, but I have had a lot of things to do…
The first, I don’t speak english, so I don’t know if we can have a fluid conversation about that. I hope do you understand me.
Very good solution the button “Job Alert”. But I tell you one thing.
I think WordPress is not a good software for send mails. Usually when WordPress must send 500 mails at time, web will be broken and system will go to blackout.
I am no informatic, but I have understood so…
I let you the follow link where there is this problem whith “BuddyPress Group Email Subscription PLUGIN” You can read in this link
I told them the follow solution, and I think you must consider that.
You must look the follow plugin: “WordPress Social Invitations”.
They sent mail from 3 options:
1. From WordPres SIte
2. From Free SMTP (ex smtp.gmail.com)
3. From From Profesional SMTP
I think this is a good solution for your plugin.
I think you must change the follow name:
Job Manager => Job Search
In Job Search I think you must introduce this tabs:
“Jobs” – “Job Alert” – “Post a Resume (I think is better -Post a CV-)”
I think you must change the follow name:
Resume Manager => Job Management
In Job Management I think you must introduce this tabs:
“Job Dashboard” – “Resumes (I think is better -CV’s-)” – “Candidate Dashboard”
I don’t understand what mean “My Bookmarks”
So, you will have 2 section:
1. Job Search (for users that look a job)
2. Job Management (for user that look for manage job)
If I entry in “Kishore” perfil, I can do click in “Contact” button, so I can see the follow:
To contact this candidate email [email protected]
Contact using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook
I think show mails is always very dangerous. I suggest you no to show mail ([email protected]).
4. I add an option. When user post a job, user can connect this job with your groups, and so the post genere a entry in the activity of de group.
And when administrator approvals the post, administrator can add more groups.
5. I add an option. When user post a job, there is only twitter page option. I add also facebook page option.
This is all.
I hope you understand why I suggest you the change of the tabs and of the names in the two section (Job Manager and Resume Manager).
I think this changes are important in order the user can understand fast what the plugin allows them.
I hope you understand this change and I hope it is not for you a lot of work to change codes.
Good work, and let me know when the final version will be ready.