• Resolved Diego Versiani


    Hi there,

    Some of our customers at Fluid Checkout are having issues when also using MailerLite.

    Your plugin triggers multiple AJAX requests (about 50x at once) to update the “sign up” checkbox state to the server whenever some fields are changed.

    This issue happens also when Fluid Checkout is not activated, but this time only about 4 AJAX requests are triggered in this case. The difference in the number of requests is probably due to how Fluid Checkout works as it needs to trigger the change event in some cases after the checkout fragments are updated.

    In any case, below are the code changes that would be necessary on the MailerLite plugin Javascript file to avoid triggering multiple AJAX requests at once. All changes are marked with comments // CHANGE: [...] explaining what was changed:


    jQuery(document).ready(function(a) {
    	var _xhr = null;
    	// CHANGE: Replace field variables with selectors variables
    	var _emailFieldSelector = '#billing_email';
    	var _firstNameFieldSelector = '#billing_first_name';
    	var _lastNameFieldSelector = '#billing_last_name';
    	var _signupSelector = '#woo_ml_subscribe';
    	if (jQuery('#woo_ml_preselect_enabled')?.val() == 'yes') {
    	    // CHANGE: Use selector variable, instead of declaring the selector directly
    	    jQuery( _signupSelector ).prop('checked', true);
    	// CHANGE: Remove event handler declarations as they are replaced with captured events at bottom
    	function validateMLSub() {
    	    // CHANGE: Get fields dinamically
    	    const email = document.querySelector( _emailFieldSelector );
    	    if(email !== null && email.value.length > 0) {
    	function checkoutMLSub() {
    	    /** set cookie before sending request to server
    		* since multiple checkout update requests can be sent
    		* and server cookies won't get updated, so send the saved
    		* cookie as a request parameter
    	    if (!getCookie('mailerlite_checkout_token')) {
    		   var now = new Date();
    		   now.setTime(now.getTime() + 48 * 3600 * 1000);
    		   document.cookie = mailerlite_checkout_token=${(+new Date).toString()}; expires=${now.toUTCString()}; path=/;
    	    // CHANGE: Use selector variable, instead of declaring the selector directly
    	    const accept_marketing = document.querySelector( _signupSelector ).checked;
    	    // CHANGE: Get fields dinamically
    	    const email = document.querySelector( _emailFieldSelector );
    	    const first_name_field = document.querySelector( _firstNameFieldSelector );
    	    const last_name_field = document.querySelector( _lastNameFieldSelector );
    	    let first_name = '';
    	    let last_name = '';
    	    if (first_name_field !== null) {
    		   first_name = first_name_field.value;
    	    if (last_name_field !== null) {
    		   last_name = last_name_field.value;
    	    // CHANGE: Bail if an ajax request is already running
    	    if ( _xhr !== null ) { return; }
    	    _xhr = jQuery.ajax({
    		   url: woo_ml_public_post.ajax_url,
    		   type: "post",
    		   data: {
    			  action: "post_woo_ml_email_cookie",
    			  email: email.value,
    			  signup: accept_marketing,
    			  language: woo_ml_public_post.language,
    			  first_name: first_name,
    			  last_name: last_name,
    		   // CHANGE: Set the xhr variable to null when the request is complete
    		   complete: function() {
    			  _xhr = null;
    	// CHANGE: Use captured event handlers instead of events attached to specific elements
    	var handleBlur = function( e ) {
    	    if ( e.target.matches( _emailFieldSelector ) || e.target.matches( _firstNameFieldSelector ) || e.target.matches( _lastNameFieldSelector ) ) {
    	var handleChange = function( e ) {
    	    // SIGNUP
    	    if ( e.target.matches( _signupSelector ) ) {
    	document.addEventListener( 'blur', handleBlur, true );
    	document.addEventListener( 'change', handleChange, true );
    	// CHANGE: END - Use captured event handlers instead of events attached to specific elements
     function getCookie(name) {
    	const value = ; ${document.cookie};
    	const parts = value.split(; ${name}=);
    	if (parts.length === 2) {
    	    return parts.pop().split(';').shift()
    	return null;

    I hope this helps and that your team can update your plugin soon.


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  • Plugin Author MailerLite


    Hi @diegoversiani,

    We apologize for the delay. But we would like to thank you for providing all the details, and say that we are already working on it and will update you soon in this thread.

    Thank you,
    MailerLite Team

    Thread Starter Diego Versiani


    Hi @mailerlite,

    Great! Please let me know or simply close this topic once these changes have been implemented so we can finish adding compatibility between our plugins ??


    Plugin Author MailerLite


    Hi @diegoversiani,

    We released this week a new version of our plugin with this implementation, so now our plugin is compatible with Fluid Checkout.

    We’re marking this conversation as resolved for now, but please have a look at the solution and let us know if you have any questions.

    Can we ask a small favor? We hope others can benefit from your experience with MailerLite and our plugin; If you have a moment, please review our plugin via this link (https://www.ads-software.com/support/plugin/woo-mailerlite/reviews/). Your support and insights mean a lot to us at MailerLite.

    Thank you,
    MailerLite Team

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