Hi pedrodg! In that case you are referring to the main MemberFindMe plugin not the MemberFindMe Login Connector. MemberFindMe is a service that works like Google Maps so data and scripts load from our servers. MemberFindMe is compatible with IE8 but you may have compatibility mode turned on (which makes the browser act like IE7 or below) or there is another issue on your web page. To make sure compatibility mode is turned off for your web visitors add the following to the HEAD section of your web pages:
<meta http-equiv=”X-UA-Compatible” content=”IE=9;IE=8;IE=EDGE” />
Also try visiting our demo pages at demo.memberfind,me with your IE8 browser. If they load properly, then you may have another script on your web page causing issues. One common mistake is having console.log statements which halts script execution unless you have IE developer tools open. Try opening IE developer tools (F12 key), and see if there are any errors or console logs.
We can also take a look at your website and let you know what the issue is, if you provide the URL to the page…