Hello and thanks trying the Hyperdrive beta! Sorry for the delayed response. I wasn’t aware any support threads had been opened until just today and am relatively new to WordPress development.
As for AdSense, it’ll depend on how the adverts are added. If you have a particular way you’re adding them please let me know so I can keep it in consideration as the plugin beta rolls forward.
As for configuration, Hyperdrive will roll out initially free of configuration. My goal is to make it as easy as possible to install and use. To achieve this Hyperdrive will rely on installed themes and plugins to follow best practices for Web Standards and WordPress development.
Over the last four weeks I’ve been hard at work building an application to help ensure a quality release of the plugin. As a single individual working on a free plugin my ability to provide support will be limited, which is why I’m relying on best practices and coding standards to help control how well Hyperdrive integrates with themes and plugins.
It is important to me individuals making money online are able to make more of it. And that’s one of the things Hyperdrive will ultimately achieve for the masses as it comes out of beta and the release candidate process begins. Cheers.