• Resolved jamiek47



    Is this plugin compatible with v4.9?

    If not, is there an ETA?


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  • Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    Hello Jamie

    compatible with what? Contact Form 7 v4.9 was released recently, WP 4.9 a little later this year.

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    Hi @aurovrata

    Sorry, I meant v4.9 of contact form 7 which was released in June.

    As it says on the home page of the plugin a WARNING about it?


    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    I am using it on a project along with cf7 4.9 and its working fine.

    once of the issues I believe with changes introduced in cf7 4.8 is the compatibility of cf7 plugin with the WordPress REST api. Post My CF7 Form hasn’t yet been tested with the REST api. This is something which is on my bucket list but I have been too busy with the development of other cf7 plugin extensions to look at the REST api

    So I reckon the issues faced by some users are on installations that use the REST api to communicate with the server. So long as your theme does not rely on the REST api it should work.

    Give it a go and let me know if you encounter any spurious results.

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    Thanks @aurovrata

    I’m not family with REST api, how would I know if my theme uses it?


    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    If you purchased your theme, it would be mentioned in the theme description. You could check with the theme developers.

    Just setup a test environment with Post My CF7 Form to ensure it works as expected.

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    Thanks, I think it’s working.

    I’ve created a new mapping but I need to edit it.

    I’ve gone back to the settings / mapping page but all the boxes are greyed out, how can I edit it?




    Hey jamiek47,

    You can edit by going to the main contact forms menu (where all the contact forms are listed) scroll to the contact form whose mapping you want to edit, select quick edit, look for “post type” drop down (it should be set to publish if you have done mapping to that form before) and then change it to draft.

    Once you change it to draft it will set all the fields in your mapping to an editable state. Go to the mapping, edit everything you want, click create when you are done and that will change the “post type” setting back to published.

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    Great, thank you.

    Is it possible to map checkboxes?

    I’ve used the same field name but it doesn’t seem to be working?


    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    do you have any errors showing up in the javascript debug console when you submit the form?




    If the field-name is the same for both your custom field and the CF7 field and all field labels for the checkboxes are the same in the custom field and CF7 then perhaps it is a plugin issue. In order to map checkboxes and radio buttons among other fields, you need to create custom fields in WordPress. Different plugins can get this done but due to the way some of them name the custom fields, not all plugins work well with other plugins. The best plugin to use would be Advanced Custom Fields plugin. I have personally never tried to map checkboxes.

    In my personal experience, I tried prefilling CF7 with info from user profiles. You can do it with any field type even radio buttons but not with checkboxes. I have no idea why. But perhaps mapping is something different. Let me know how it goes.

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    @awesiome thanks for landing a help with providing help to other users, much appreciated.

    @jamiek47 please keep in mind that not all the possible combinations of mapping posts and meta-fields have been thoroughly tested… I wrote this plugin for a project and wanted to provide a general solution to the problem as I felt this would be a handy tool for others to use too, but I didn’t get time to test all permutations of forms and their mappings.

    so its very much possible that some bugs remain. I am working on another project where mapping of checkboxes is required and therefore will get a chance to test that out. In the mean time, dropdown fields work well, maybe you can use those till I get to this?

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    Thanks, both.

    @aurovrata I don’t see any JS errors in the console when I submit the form.

    @awesiome thanks, I think the theme has the custom fields set up itself as it is a function of the theme. So I just mapped the contact form 7 field name for the checkboxes to the corresponding field name the theme uses for the checkboxes in the post creation.

    Let me know how the checkboxes mapping goes for you Aurovrata, it will be interesting to see! ??

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    Hey @jamiek47

    I confirm there was a bug in the javascript. This is fixed in v2.3 which I just released. I tested on a checkbox and radio field and they’re both working fine for me.

    Give it a spin and let me know if it works for you too.

    Thread Starter jamiek47


    @aurovrata it works! Awesome thanks so much ??

    Plugin Author Aurovrata Venet


    lovely. Do give leave a feedback and rating!

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