• Hi,
    Thank you for plugin. I has been very helpfull in the past ??
    Will you make an update to make it compatible WP 3.8.x ?


    *As is I’m getting errors:

    Notice: Undefined variable: …. wp-content/plugins/page-theme/pageTheme.php on line 33

    Notice: Undefined index: ….. wp-content/plugins/page-theme/pageTheme.php on line 117

    Notice: Undefined index: …. wp-content/plugins/page-theme/pageTheme.php on line 122


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  • I am able to install the plugin but it just does not apply the themes

    Does the same thing to me too, not applying themes. Have both themes set up perfectly along with sidebars and menus but it will not apply the theme. Wish it could be updated to work with 3.8 and above (and I don’t know enough to even consider it LOL, I’m lucky to successfully change the css!). I would re-activate my currently dropped categories until I figure out what all I need to do to have it like I had it before upgrading from 3.5.

    I am having the same issue… it just won’t change. I keep getting a circular pattern.

    I hope they upgrade it soon.

    THis would add the functionality I am used to with Joomla. Great plug in but everyone sure wishes it would work with 3.8.1. I loaded a second template without a header so I could set up a special page.
    The header.php file for the default template still shows header code.
    Anxiously awaiting your newest update.
    I have an easing slider set up as the header, (in header.php)so turning header off in the page settings does not work.
    I also want to add a mobile sized template so I can redirect to mobile friendly displays without adapting the page to mobile.
    Any suggestions are welcome.

    Love, love, love this plugin!! Please update to work with 3.8.1!

    I use WP 3.8.2. (dutch version)
    The Theme page plugin seems not to work, i cannot see a settings button and there is no button or so on my page to change the theme.
    I use version 3.5 of Page Theme.

    Waiting for update…
    Anyone know how to integrate different theme to WooCommerce product page?

    Thank you

    Are there alternatives for Page Theme?

    “Are there alternatives for Page Theme?” – https://www.ads-software.com/plugins/jonradio-multiple-themes/ cannot handle all Themes, and is incompatible with a few plugins, but it does support WordPress 3.9.

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