• WordPress had FINALLY become a legitimate tool in the industry with a great community of coders and graphic designers helping each other. We just got to a place where we could create beautiful, custom websites for our clients (that didn’t look like ‘wordpress sites’) with all of the great functionality that WP plugins offer… This is a massive setback for serious web developers.

    While Gutenberg’s ‘easy block editor’ is not going to magically make people capable of creating beautiful, intuitive websites, I get that it is a great option for people who want SquareSpace simplicity. Why can’t this be an optional plugin? I love the idea of WordPress and BlockPress being two different things – why not?

    I have 17 clients on highly customized, complicated WordPress sites. If I didn’t have the ability to disable Gutenberg completely, I would be completely screwed. WordPress, are you listening??

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  • I agree with you @curiomuseum. I have about 15 wordpress sites using different themes, theme builders and page builders and various complication levels and amount of plugins used (some are mine).

    Gantry is a “Next Generation Theme Framework” that I use on a few wordpress sites and about 10 joomla based sites.

    Gutenberg wants (or is?) competing with this, I cannot use the “editor” for this, it breaks everything.

    And what will happen to all of these: [Link redacted]

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by Andrew Nevins.

    Agree with all the above. No-one asked for Gutenberg. Those who did want a page-builder (yes, I don’t care what the devs say, it IS a page builder) would install Visual Composer, WP Bakery, Elementor, Divi etc. All of those are established and very successful page builders.

    The devs keep pushing the “Classic Editor” plugin for those who don’t want to use Gutenberg, but will that be supported indefinitely? I doubt plugin devs will spend time supporting two editors due to time and cost. If the current editor was just polished up a bit and made more easily customisable, then most would be happy with that. Just look at the active installations for Gutenberg and Classic Editor – not much difference. That cannot be ignored.

    Thread Starter curiomuseum


    Agree. I actually installed the Disable Gutenberg plugin by Jeff Starr for this reason. I feel like he will be more inclined to keep up with updates if he has the installs, reviews, and support to do so.

    I’m in the same exact position as you guys. Myself including countless boutique and well known agencies build WordPress sites for clients that are complicated in so many ways to fit a custom setup. The only responses we keep seeing on these review comebacks from the mods are “it’s been decided….to be 5.0 core…so on and so on” My legitimate and thoughtfully constructed responses are also being silenced here saying I’m using this platform as a soapbox. How’s that? If these reviews allow for anyone to reply and comment on, why are they being redacted thus punishing us serious WordPress developers and designers? That’s just not right. WordPress is not listening to those who have made it what it is today, which poses an even larger threat to we the developers who rely on WordPress and the WordPress decision makers who are not listening. This will be a fail on epic levels if our voices and valid opinions are being silenced.

    Gutenberg needs and must remain an optional choice for serious web developers and those who just want a simple site to build on their own.

    Thread Starter curiomuseum


    Well said. WordPress was not taken seriously for a LONG time. It has been the concerted efforts of developers like us (and all of the amazing people who develop the platform, themes, and plugins) who have finally made it a legitimate option – for legitimate use! Not just blogs, we even have a University website on WordPress!

    They can say soapbox, but we can insist forum. This is a FORUM.

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