In theory one could import a Excel file into memory and perform a search on the data, provided the sheet is not too huge. But doing so would be terribly slow and inefficient. There are plugins that import Excel files into a mySQL table. WP is much better suited for searching in SQL. But every time the sheet is updated, the updates must also be imported into the mySQL table. It’s not good practice to have redundant data like this, it’d be much better if the mySQL table became the primary repository of data where it is maintained directly in SQL, abandoning the spreadsheet as the primary repository.
An alternative that might be feasible would be to in import the Excel file into Google Sheets and make the Google version the primary repository. It’s possible for WP to use the Sheets API to filter and get data through the API. This should be faster than reading a file into memory, but it’d still be much faster to have the data in mySQL instead. The only real advantage would be this avoids the need to build a UI for maintaining the data through SQL.
Those are your options as I see it. There may be plugins to help perform parts of a full solution, but a complete solution will require custom coding to some extent.