• Hello,

    I am really new at this, and it’s turning out to be a little more difficult that I thought. I messed code up in a theme I was using (by deleting something), so I deleted the theme and thinking I could just install it again…. and wa la it would work. Nope! I get an error saying the directory already exist and there was an error installing the theme. I have looked on my host in my cpanel under Legacy File Manager and tried to find a folder with wordpress themes, but there is not one. Can someone please tell me how I can remove that theme, so I can reinstall it again. Like I said I am new at this and I would really appreciate the help.

    Thanks So Much In Advance!

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  • The location of your themes directory is yoursite.com/wp-content/themes

    If you log into your site using FTP (or similar) and go to the above the location you can delete the theme, and add it again.

    Yes… that’s the best way to go. Also next time before removing a theme, make another one active so you can still access the site in the meantime.

    Thread Starter acovarrubias


    Thanks for the answer, but could you tell me exactly where I can find that file? I have been looking in my cPanel and I don’t see any any file with that name. I may not be looking in the correct place. Thanks!

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